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    R32 GTR

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  1. Hi all, A White R32 GTR was stolen early this morning from the inner-west (Concord area) PLATE NUMBER: CC - 55 - DM Features: Carbon Fiber Boot lip, Black GRID-R wheels, mostly stock exterior Please keep an eye out, feel free to contact myself here and will forward any information to the owner. Really appreciate it.
  2. Ice. Can hardly make those numbers a blanket statement about all drugs. "The assistant commissioner said that 78 per cent people testing positive for drugs, were ice users." "While the data for the number of fatalities involving the drug in 2014 had not yet been analysed, he said the number of ice-affected fatalities overtook the number of alcohol-affected fatalities in 2013." Once again, none of us have said that crystal-methamphetamine isn't a problem, or should be legal. Don't know why it keeps coming up as an argument tbh... http://abc.net.au/news/2015-01-01/police-to-double-roadside-drug-testing-in-victoria/5995776"
  3. Stoner Sloth is hilarious, can't believe tax payer money actually paid for this shit. When i first saw it I was sure it had to be satire, nope, sponsored by the Gov. Been all over the news/Reddit/4chan... T-Shirt Comp for it: http://musicfeeds.com.au/news/bennies-stoner-sloth-t-shirt-competition-pure-genius/
  4. Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye obviously have contributed nothing to society, they denounce prohibition and have used illicit drugs!!! /s
  5. Going in circles now... xXxGTRxXx you don't realise how selfish you're being do you?
  6. wow... is this real life?
  7. "Don't listen to the data and the google opinions" It's not opinions, it scientific study and data - you should learn how to search properly. You're pretty much telling people (even the impressionable kids that frequent this board, as you said) 'f**k evidence and logic - I'm right because I've seen this and that happen with this drug, obviously all drugs are bad and those who say otherwise are idiots mmm'kay'. You still have yet to provide one shred of proof, as said by the others you just constantly mix all drugs together, your arguments hold no merit - seems like you're not even reading our replies. If you work in healthcare, I respect what you do to help people in need - but as a 'professional' you shouldn't be spreading lies and using your position as an excuse. To be honest if i were having this conversation with my children I would be giving them the facts - for and against, not the same bullshit our education and propaganda systems have force fed us.
  8. The sad truth
  9. Trozzle has been linking insightful articles for pages now, how about reading some of them? You've provided literally nothing. "I witness the crap everyday, don't need to rely on a 10 minute google search to educate myself like you do." So let me get this straight, actually searching for facts and wanting to learn is a bad thing? Just because you see your very limited view of the world around yourself doesn't mean that's what is necessarily true when looking at the whole. Sorry, but who were you calling self serving again? Anecdotes & Opinions > Science. Yup, makes sense.
  10. lol... Apart from insulting him to try and show how right you are, maybe add something constructive or provide some evidence? Your last paragraph is lovely dovey and all, but you cant seem to comprehend that prohibition is what is supporting this "industry and lifestyle that creates so much negativity and destruction in this world". Most of the deaths that you're fixated on have been caused by substances created solely to copy the effects of a proven 'safe' but illegal substance - which is usually not done in an ideal environment. Look at LSD (No deaths ever) and 25i (attempt to copy LSD = deaths), or MDMA and whatever f**ked up chemical they've created to try cheaply copy the effects. Everyone already knows that no one is going to stop taking these substances because that is what you want. Stop being so immature. Keep fighting for your views (prohibition) and keep the deaths, misinformation and related government profits coming, instead why not try another more logical approach backed by science and education? It's time for change... we're not stupid, thanks to the internet they, and people like yourself can no longer keep the facts hidden.
  11. I think you're missing the point. The fact is that the substances Trozz has mentioned don't actually have adverse affects on society, it's the opposite. If you're jaded enough to throw the substances being discussed in the same category as heroin, ice, meth, tobacco, alcohol etc. then you're choosing to be ignorant.
  12. Can you please post those exhaust and cat pics if not already sold?
  13. How'd you go with the new TPS?
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