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Everything posted by GTofuS-T

  1. Ooh convertible would be nice yes
  2. Spoiler alert... it doesn't look 'as' bad as Dale's slideshow...in fact it just looks painted... isn't there a Chinese Proverb about trusting someone who doesn't use their own product?
  3. Does it cut through duct tape though?
  4. Regarding the first pic, Scissors doors are cool and I want them! I do like that the front bar is cut to expose the entire IC, this is actually functional, as opposed to most cars with about 1/3rd of IC exposed, the colour and rest of styling can go EAD
  5. Back to topic, hopefully this movement back to the 90's means a new season of Pimp My Ride!! Fkn love that show
  6. My apologies, I'll stay out of your little love triangle then
  7. Why are you so aggressive against people for having their opinion then?
  8. inb4 OP is Cyber Motorsport
  9. Turn the dial on the EBC to max then skidz
  10. Don't forget you have a limited window to initiate a Papal dispute, like 45 days after purchase or something?? As CEF33Y pointed out it's so vague, do these things even have a spec sheet? do Splitfires? Interesting to see if there's a design difference or if it's just quality variability.
  11. Time for a new job anyway Chubbs
  12. I agree.. white looks really nice! with matching Range Rover!
  13. This. Your stock ECU *should* protect your engine from harm by going into R&R if it reaches it's limits, 10psi shouldn't see this... might see some not so good condition parts start to fail though, coilpacks, spark gap to high, gaskets, turbo life, etc.. EDIT: you will be running rich so fuel economy will go down, flames might increase
  14. You could probably use the billet sandwich plate if you wanted, but then you would also need an external thermostat, which would then also require more lines and fittings. The sensor holes in the sandwich plate may not be big enough though?? EDIT: come to think of it, the flow direction may not be right?? i'm thinking it would bypass the filter and/or result in a continuous loop from the filter to the cooler and nothing else??
  15. That kit will relocate the oil filter this is what admS15 was referring to: http://www.garage7.com.au/home/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=1371&category_id=102&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 but isn't a full kit so you could use your trans cooler as mentioned
  16. Need for Speed was ridiculous... but enjoyable
  17. That first bank just rolled through the city too, not much on the radar at the moment. People are saying tornado in Woolongong is causing it?
  18. Hence why I suggested it be left at the category level
  19. Cause that's an everyday event for the common motorist? I don't see why they have a COTY? They have all these different categories, with different testing criteria, why not just leave it at that? So the Soccer mums can go "oooh this SUV is the best SUV of the year", the business man can go, "ooooh this is the best luxury car over $80k of the year", the car enthusiast can go "ooooh this Sports car is the performance car of the year." There's no normality.
  20. also "Highest Bidder: No Highest Bidder"
  21. Let's get the real point here... why would you even buy a GT-R when you can get a GTS-T for a fifth of the cost?
  22. not as much as the car it goes on so....
  23. yeah those $5M car people don't even give a shit about cars... it's their $200M yachts that they really care about...
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