Olympic-width Smith machine that also includes free weight crutches and spotters Adjustable-width butterfly station Dual high pulleys and single low pulley row station Detachable bench which adjusts from decline to upright positions Bench includes preacher curl station and leg developer
Achieve perfect form with this Olympic Smith Machine; enabling you to Squat, Press, Lift and Calf raise your way to a perfect body. With the revolutionary TimeSaver™ Assembly technology, fold, snap and bolt together in under 30 minutes.
The E8200 features multiple stations including:
Chest Fly. 6-Roll Leg Developer. 2 Swivel High Pulleys. Low Pulley with Row plate. Rolled preacher Pad. Arm Curl Pad and bar.
Features Weights Bench
The NordicTrack E8200 Smith machine comes with a multi-position bench, enabling you to carry out a full range of exercises.
Multiple Workout Stations
The E8200 features multiple stations including; Chest Fly, 6-Roll Leg Developer, 2 Swivel High Pulleys, Low Pulley with Row plate, Rolled preacher Pad, & Curl Yorke.
Smith Bar
The Smith bar is of Olympic weight and standard, so you know you are working hard.
Adjustable weight crutches.
Adjustable safety spotters.
Included Weights: 20kg x 2 15kg x 2 5kg x 2 2.5kg x 4
Pickup only in Faulconbridge
Sau price $1000
Ebay Link : http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NordicTrack-E8200-Smith-Machine-Home-Gym-/221770658653?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item33a28fb35d
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