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Everything posted by Hotwire

  1. The actual shipping component was $1091 for roll on roll off. the total of $2100 includes ~$620 warfage fees (Robbery I tell ya!), Quarantine cleaning etc (~$100), Seaway Broker fee ($150). and ~$100 for inland transport via toll to Adelaide. Overall for a delivered price to Adelaide from Osaka it's pretty reasonable. It was the extra $500 for storage that pissed me off (due to DOTARS being slow to process paperwork) bringing my final shipping/customs/GST bill to ~$3600, it should have been $3,100 which is quite comparable to many others importing legnums at the moment.
  2. Legnum was 1580kg (according to the invoice), and 12.29 cubic meters - expect a stag etc to be the same.. for an R33 you may save $100-$200 but not much more I would imagine.
  3. Krishy: Shipping depends on the size and weight of the vehicle. Shipping for the legnum was ~$2100 from Osaka Japan to Brisbane, then road transport to Adelaide. Import Duties & GST was $1,091 and I copped a 1 week storage fee at the docks of $478.50 because DOTARS were slow processing my Import Approval and it had to sit in storage waiting for Canberra to process it.... THUS why I said, keep $$ aside as you never know when something like the storage will happen.
  4. Speak to Kristian - Iron Chef Imports Site Here I have just finished importing a Mitsubishi Legnum through him. Service was excellent, and its comforting to use someone local. He helped me out with a few problems along the way with regards to shipping and compliance, and made the whole process alot smoother than the bumpy ride it could have been. For budget, DON'T stretch yourself, keep a few hundred $$ aside from what ANY importer quotes you as there is bound to be some unexpected cost, be it storage following shipping, parts need replacing on the car etc. Also DONT import if you have a pregnant wife!! I learnt this the hard way - pregnant women stress out too easy LOL But basically, talk to Kristian, can't do better IMHO
  5. Jess: Bob Jane has owned both Calder Park and AIR for MANY years... and thus is the problem. Bob is a tight ass and wont do anything properly with regards to upgrading/repairing facilities... that is why the circuit has been closed for so long. In the last few years (partly due to his divorce) Bob has spent as little as he could, and what he has spent has all been at Calder, NOTHING at AIR. (till now it seems). But with this sink hole set back, wouldnt surprise me if he doesn't spend anything for another 12+ months.
  6. I still don't understand buying a 4WD and lowering it (as most forester owners do) BUT I can certainly respect STi enhancements to an otherwise practical platform - Nice car!
  7. Depends on the width, offset, tyre brands/model and tyre sizes as to how much they could be worth. 17s generally can be from $400 to $1,000 second hand
  8. ^They'd be re-issues R series, so Black on White with SA (non slogan)
  9. ^Matt: Should have gone full Bull Bar with Amplimesh WITH the spotties Oh, and stainless steel side skirts, THEN you'd be B&S Spec
  10. ^Yep I had digital copy, and work *sponsored* the printing of ~600 pages and a folder to put it in, haha
  11. I wont be at the cruise tonight.. I work in the city, so if you want to collect it monday (dont have it with me today) your welcome to.
  12. R33 Engine service manual, ~600 pages. Sitting collecting dust in my garage, Who wants it?
  13. Flick - Do you have an RCD (Safety Switch) on your house? If all the power went off when you got the shock I would say you do, otherwise get one installed ASAP! And if you got the full 240V (iron may be rated to 260V, but Australian system is 240V), then yes you would have got the cramps as 240V contracts your muscles, meaning you wont let go of whatever is shocking you.. its actually the most un-safe voltage in the world Higher voltages throw you off, lower voltages dont contract your muscles... stupid Brits and their 240V system!! LOL (Note - Qualified Sparky here, cash jobs on weekends )
  14. Is the SAFC1 out of the car?Do you have a photos? Any scratches etc? Cheers
  15. I would imagine not to expect too much change out of $3,000 for a full interior - front rear seats, door trims etc.
  16. Taken from the Sun Gaurd Website: State tinting Laws & Regulations % of visible light transmition State Windshield Side Frount Side Back (Car) Side Back (MPV) Rear (car) Rear (MPV) Vic 75% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% NSW 75% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% Tas 75% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% WA 75% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% NT 75% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% ACT 75% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% SA 75% 70% 35% 35% 35% 35% QLD 75% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% Just goes to show, SA SUCKS With its Road Laws being the only state having 70% on drivers windows... EVERY other state can have 35% yet we are the dryest state (and what often feels like the hottest) yet we cant have dark tint
  17. All good - no real rush, Cheers Steve
  18. Steve, were you able to get me a price on the alarm/tint?
  19. 33 <-- should be your default signature Kellie, not Dior Addict
  20. That sucks Cara! F/glass front- been there, done that never again!! Stock plastic legnum bar for me
  21. Steve: Never took part in the original group buy as I knew I was selling the 33... Cheers
  22. Cheers for that steve
  23. possibly - thinking of basic alarm (black wire though) to hook up to existing central locking (all doors actuated by solenoids, just no keyless function as factory key is stuffed). Nothing fancy, insurance doesnt require me to have one, more-so piece of mind.
  24. Whiteline kit is sold! Other stuff: Piping come pick it up or it goes in the bin in a week, I dont want it cluttering my garage! Fuel Pump - Will take offers
  25. Steve, when you're there tomorrow, can you ask him how much to Tint front Driver, Front Passenger, and rear tailgate in 20%? The Legnum only got the 20% privacy glass on the rear passengers and 1/4s. Cheers
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