Hi all,
I have a Jap import 2007 Skyline 250GT which I've owned for about 2 months. Its been through a Nissan service and check about a month ago and no issues identified. Drove perfectly till day before yesterday when it started emitting a beep, chime and a spoken message in Japanese every little while.
I recorded the message, and a Japanese friend told me it was a message from the GPS saying my destination was coming up on the left. This is so odd because I have never used the GPS (given it doesn't work here) or touched its settings. Anyway I managed to go in and turn "Guidance Voice" off which shut the Japanese lady up.
However I still have a beep every few seconds while I'm driving. There are no warning lights lit up on the dash, I've checked all the doors are locked, etc.
Any idea why the car is beeping please?