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Everything posted by Matvei27

  1. Judging by the graph the HKS has slightly more low down power whereas the Garrett has more up top. Which makes sense as the 2530 was tweaked to improve response on RB engines. If the difference isn't worth it to you that's one thing but clearly the 2530 is slightly more responsive so at the end of the day it depends if you want low end or top end.
  2. There are multiple versions of the 2530, the 2530kai (the current iteration) is a pretty recent product. Garrett makes HKS turbos. But the HKS turbos are not exactly the same ones that Garrett sells themselves. The HKS 2530kai is specifically designed for the RB20 and RB25DET. The Garrett ones are universal. I am willing to spend $250 on a HKS dump because that's what they're worth, but I found one in Japan. I am using it to test the difference in response between the Tomei one and the HKS one. If you want the best suited turbo for the job you'll buy the HKS one as it is designed for this engine with a smaller housing for better response. If you want to save a few hundred dollars go ahead but don't come here complaining when it doesn't have the same response as your stock RB20DET turbo or RB25DET turbo. Amazon Japan sells it new as a kit for $1885.64 USD right now. Go get someone to buy it for you.
  3. I don't think they're exactly the same...should be pretty close but the HKS might be tweaked a bit. The more important aspect is that the HKS comes as a kit with everything you need should you buy it new, hence why it is a good value and worth the money. I don't know anyone who has bought a HKS 2530 who has said "gee I wish I bought a cheaper turbo!" or anything like that.
  4. New they are around $1800 US, used you can probably find it a lot cheaper. Search around.
  5. Roy uses his car on the track though...I'm not sure a TD-05 or D-06 RB20DET is going to be that much fun on the street. For the street the smaller HKS turbos are going to be more responsive.
  6. Probably just suggesting the bolts and gasket to cover their ass...don't want it to blow and have the customer try to blame them.
  7. If you want to stay with a 5 number, RB24 is the best option. If you are okay paying for a 3 number, RB25 is the best option. If you are okay with 350hp instead of 400, get a HKS 2530kai, put it on your RB20DET, and blow the rest of the money you saved on cabaret girls and booze.
  8. The listings on Yahoo don't mean anything, if you read them they say to confirm stock with the manufacturer, and often times they are outdated listings. Unless Tomei specifically told you they have them (despite the website saying they don't make them anymore), then they probably don't. I'll call them on Monday.
  9. I know you don't mean 400hp at the wheels. If you want it to be responsive and usable on the street, without increasing displacement 350 is the limit. Go buy the Hypergear issue regarding the GTS-t and read it front to back. You can read Japanese, right? The PFC I like the hand unit the best.
  10. Are you 100 percent sure Tomei still sells the pistons? Because their website says 生産終了 http://www.tomei-p.co.jp/_2003web-catalogue/053_RB20_piston.html If they actually still make them I'll go buy a 2.2 kit right now...
  11. Which, specifically? The Tomei kit is discontinued, the HKS kit is discontinued...Testarossa still does RB23 and RB24 in Japan but the quality is a bit sketchy from what I have heard. This isn't Australia. The RB22 and RB24 were popular in Japan for a very good reason.
  12. Power FC. But a 400hp RB20DET is not usable on the street.
  13. He can do it but it won't be fun to drive on the street, and he said he wanted it for the street...so probably not a great idea. If he doesn't want to pay for a 3 number plate, which the RB25 would require, the RB24 is really the best option he can get. The problem is availability since the majority of these kits are discontinued.
  14. 400hp for the street is impossible on a RB20DET. It will be a lag fest. Since you are in Japan I am assuming you can read Japanese? Go pick up an issue of Hyper-rev regarding the GTS-t, it will say the exact same thing I am about to tell you. You have three options: 1. 350hp, responsive for street 2. 400hp, lag monster 3. increase displacement The only real problem I see is that most of the 2.4 litre upgrade kits are no longer available (HKS, Tomei). What exactly was he suggesting you use?
  15. Did you use the Poncams or the Procams? The Procams won't help at all. If you were using them you were using the wrong cams.
  16. I bought Tomei Poncams and Tomei cam gears at the same time. Before that was 100% stock. If you run the Poncams without the adjustable gears you will not be able to adjust your tune for more low down power, which is what you want on the RB20DET. Definitely don't get them without the gears. The notion that "they're maximized by Tomei at the factory to run without gears" blah blah blah is bullshit, yes they are designed so you can use them without gears if need-be, but even Tomei admits that using them with gears is better on their rather lengthy technical discussion on the Japanese site. Because it lets you have more control over your results, whereas using them without gears gives you absolutely no control over where they make that power. On a RB20DET you want to adjust the gears for down-low, on a RB25DET you would probably want to adjust them for up high since the RB25DET sacrifices some of the top end. Here's how it will work: 1. Cam gears alone > improved response (turbo spool earlier) 2. Cams alone > improved torque, especially in the midrange, but doesn't help low-end at all and doesn't increase turbo response. 3. Cams + gears > improved torque + improved response If you just want to improve response get the gears, but I think the Poncams are worth it for the huge midrange torque improvement they provide. See the graph at the end of the video above. I wouldn't just get Poncams without the gears, however, since you'll damage your low end response. If you use both together you can get an improvement across the rev range without sacrificing much of anything (except your wallet). The cams are around $500 US, the gears are $200 US. Aside from getting a better turbo, it is the best $700 you can spend on a RB20DET because for most people it will fix the things they hate about it. It's not an extra 500cc, but it's something. Just don't get anything bigger than the poncams on a RB20DET, it will suck. The procams are really meant for the RB22 and especially the RB24DET, but Tomei doesn't offer the kits to make those anymore. On the RB25DET, I would still say you should use poncams unless you are doing the Tomei RB28DET kit, in which case use the procams. That's something I am considering for when the RB20 blows, but mine only has 66,000km on it so that won't be for awhile.
  17. 2530 @ 1.1kpa *1000 Z32 AFM some sort of performance exhaust system (duh) ARC 105mm SMIC 101.5 RON fuel (about the same as ultra-premium in JP) = 220kw at wheels with stock injectors @ 99% duty cycle (which is not good, but you get the point). Replace the injectors and you might pick up another 5~10kw, but you literally NEED to replace the injectors since you don't want to run at 99%. This is the exact setup me and my friend are using. If you don't have access to fuel above 98 RON, you need a front mount pronto. And Poncams do make a slight difference in torque. The gears make a difference in response. Here is a video proving such: See the graph at the end. The torque increase = due to cams, the turbo coming on earlier is due to him having also used adjustable gears. Both together = good improvement. Worth $700? Up to you. I used the Tomei Poncams and Tomei adjustable gears. For example, if I changed to a RB25 and 2535 or GT-RS, and changed nothing else in the setup, I would make the exact same power level but it would be earlier. The advantage to the RB25 though is if I switched to a front mount it would have a lot more potential. No matter what, the RB20 is going to max out at around 400bhp, whereas the RB25 is capable of 400~500. That's what I found with my car, ymmv.
  18. If you notice his first post wasn't being helpful at all so I really had to reason to respond seriously to him.
  19. I know they crack, mine aren't cracked but the carpet is a mess. Actually though the real reason is I want one of the other styles of mat. I like the OEM ones, there's a bunch of aftermarket ones but they're all really ugly.
  20. If you had taken two minutes to look this up in FAST you would realize I am right. They are not the same.
  21. Yes. I want floor mats. I have some, they're just in okay shape. If you had any sense you'd know they're discontinued and go for big money on YAJ when in good condition.
  22. As stated. There's multiple designs, show me what you've got. Needs to be in relatively good shape though, at least good enough that I can refurbish them. Don't message me if you have a 4WD R32 (HNR32, BNR32) as the floor mats are NOT the same and will not fit.
  23. There are only 3 realistic options for an RB20 according to the 1998 issue of Hyper-rev 1. 350hp or less (response) 2530 or similar 2. 350 to 400hp (kills the entire bottom end) Trust TD-06 or similar 3. Increase displacement (RB2.2, RB2.3, RB2.4, or RB25) They reached these conclusions 15 years ago; very little has changed today. Lose some weight, you'll go faster.
  24. maybe this should've been in suspension/breaking/tyres can a mod move it?
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