Ok, Well here is an update and I'm keeping it as brief as possible due to being so angry and further proceedings in place..
Went to repairer on Friday to see the progress of the the car, I noticed it still parked in front of mechanic who installed the engine, So i go up there and say hi to mechanic, He explains, Car has been running for about 2 weeks but repairer has said he will get it "when he's ready"...
So I go a few doors down to see repairer and get an on slough as he has been told several things, Along with some "guy"(edited) they both... Again. Cant say yet to due legal reasons. But i think you get the idea.
As far as they are concerned in the few words i am prepared to write, I've lost 14k to this guy and my car is gone too.
So mechanic has locked it away due to my quick request as owner of the car. Will be on truck on Monday at 9am to new workshop. All other parts have been arranged tomorrow.. LONG STORY!!!
In Summary.. Low200 made the BEST and safest choice early and i know of one other car there who is also going there tomorrow due to today's effort...
The MTRA are hopefully going to act accordingly due to importance of the situation.
Will advise ASAP as per situation as it happens.
Sorry for the Novel.. Just venting.... WOW!!!