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Posts posted by ib6ub9

  1. In all honesty, how pushy are you being? You call once a day? I would consider the following, in this order:

    1. The next time you go there, take a digital camera and take photos of your car, both where it is and how it looks. This is vital. As many photos as you can.

    2. Increase the frequency of your phone calls and 'drop ins'. Make it inconvenient for them to continue holding your car. It's not unreasonable to be a little upset, assuming circumstances are as you've described, but be calm.

    3. Document what you can, and then write the workshop a letter. Make sure you date it, then send it registered post. You can feel free to discuss the content of the letter with them once they've received it. You will need to find out exactly why there's a delay.

    4. Get in contact with Graham Downie at the Canberra Times. He runs a consumer voice column and works wonders. I wouldn't bother telling the workshop that you've done this, let it be a happy surprise (you want them to wonder who else you are speaking to).

    5. Call the ACT Dept of Fair Trading (http://www.fairtrading.act.gov.au) and relate your case. I don't know anyone there any more, but anyone there should be easy to talk to.

    6. Hopefully it won't get to step 6.

    They must be very happy having a hot car in the workshop all the time, must do wonders for potential customers. And to have been paid in advance! My God! I bet you won't do that again! The more annoying you are, the less time they will have to handle other customers. Be firm but polite: make it in their best interests to get your car off the lot as soon as possible.

    And keep us up to date.

    I Will attempt to follow the procedures below but for one small problem. The last 2 days his workshop has been closed.

    I have pre written a letter of demand of quality of service as per the contract of quote and payment that we agreed on in MAY!!!!!!!!!

    I've got forms for Fair trading already and have also contacted the Motor trader repairer's association of NSW and they are assisting to hopefully remove car after isolating the work that has been done and forcing a refund with their assistance.

    This i will persue in the next few days more with a camera and will update the post...


  2. Are any of you guys in a work union?

    Cos the union has solicitors that [through the union] will give free advice on these sort of problems.

    Also, consumer affairs = Dept of Fair Trading will go in to bat for you if you have a legitimate claim, it helps that there are a few of you all with the same problem.

    You do need documentary evidence of all your dealings and demands on the company.

    As much as it seems as ive been nice.

    i've actually been really pushy..

    I will be going there today but am still stuck at work and will be pushing a few thing with a witness too...

  3. ah shit....

    I havent paid anything and only went to this shop and not J Racing as they do business with some mates and i got a VERY cheap price. Its been there since april and last part was delivered by me personally prolly 2 months ago, it was only discovered i needed it 2 months and 1 week ago...

    I was told end of Nov but ill believe it when im driving it away... im going to send Jerry some pics of my car where its at now and see what he wants to finish it.

    He makes good excuses but as far as i can see, cars come and go and mine stays where it is and it shits me to tears.

    I think if you and I go together to get something sorted we'd have a better chance, i go EVERY thursday arvo to check on it.

    i agree, Ive seen atleast 5 maybe more cars come and go. What time thursday, I'll pm you my mobile number, well have a chat when you get a chance.

    This workshop is ridiculous and i refuse to let this dampen my thoughts of keeping the GTR...

  4. just a quick question don't name the shop but is it queanbeyan? low200 is in the exact same boat

    Yeah dude, Thats the one!!! All parts are there and sighted. But Nothing, Parts were all there within 4 weeks of arrival date... Low200 needs to get car out before it gets stuck on the hoist. He's not paid much yet! I Hope.....

    If i could she'd be out of there but with monies in his pocket the pressure will be on!!!

  5. Tell him that you'll pay him for the work already complete, and the rest of the money to give you back, you wanna take your car elsewhere. He'll most prob refuse so then threaten him with reporting him to consumer affairs and the MTA...

    Have you paid the FULL amount of the repair already? If so that was a very bad idea...

    See how you go...

    Yeah i paid him Ful amount!!!!! MY BAD!!

    Iv ealready tried all that and nothing... Ive requested a for off MTA and will put in the dispute that will take 4 to 6 weeks!

  6. Hi all,

    I let a person drive the GTR a little over 6 months ago, Crashed it, Not insured for him to drive and his broke. I paid cash for repairs. Its been at a smash repair place and

    VERY F#%*en little has been done. As much as i've hassled him, Nothing, Tried nice, Tried Angry.

    Now problem is i did the right thing to get this fixed asap and paid him straight up with a guarantee that it would be done quick. So trying to get money out of him is Impossible... :D

    Not even wheels are fixed. Engine was taken out, New bonnet put on. Chassis straighten ( I think)

    I need help because im starting to get really angry and dont wanna loose my cash nor the car!!!! As i work nights at the moment it really hard to get out there too.. Shit job!!!!

    Please, Any advice would be great....

  7. Both Turbos are in good condition. Have been on GTR engine after rebuild for only 20,000kms. I have upgraded to new turbos'....

    NEVER BOOSTED in 20,000kms.

    Minor shaft play. Had to get mechanic to find shft play... Less than 1mm in both turbos. NO marks on housing from blades.

    I'm in canberra.

    Asking :) $500




  8. I had my GTR inspected at an service station authorised through the ACT urban services.

    15 months later i recieved a recall letter and i had to take the car the Dickson. Height and exhaust were the major issues with the car. Then they found the roll cage.

    That was enginered for NSW and i had to get it done for ACT. Its now a full road worthy 4 point cage with no rear seats. No problems as i/ve been tested since by RTA on hindmarsh some months back..

    In summery, go dickson. get it out of the way. but see a mechanic to check all aspects first.. Most import workshops deal with these issues often...

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