hey guys,
Just a reminder that this group buy will close tonight by midnight so I need everyone to confirm if they still want one or not. Then we can determine the final price for those that are interested. I will PM all interested parties tommorrow with the final cost and payment details.
Unfortunately we havent got as many confirmations as I would have hoped for. The way it is looking at the moment we will be lucky to get 10 confirmed buyers. I think it is due to the competition for avc-r on the forum at the moment. It is good to see the prices come down for these units on the forum.
I have asked my supplier for a better price but he wont budge as he is selling them for more on ebay.
I am still purchasing my unit in the group buy, as will about half a dozen others(so far), because I have piece of mind from the gaurantee and warrantee offered from the supplier. The gaurantee is that you WILL receive your item and you WILL be satisfied with the product you are paying for.
Thankyou to those that responded to the PM's I sent out the other day and for those that havent yet responded, please do so as soon as possible.