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Targa Tom

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Everything posted by Targa Tom

  1. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=125871 TT
  2. Former Targa Tasmania class (8LMSB) winning R32 GTS. Fully complied and CAMS log book with weld-in Bond Cage... priced to sell and available in Drift - Teins, 8 & 9 x 17 wheels or Tarmac / Circuit - DMS, D01J/D02Z Dunlops. Can spec up to budget. SOLD (11/08/2006)
  3. These look the business Aerocatch TT
  4. Standard at the minute, but I have suggested the boys put in a set of my Tomei PonCams (RB20 with adj wheels) but didn't know if it was possible. I have been bombarded with questions and have no exposure to RB25... so thought rather than talk crap - ask first. Thanks GC GJ Targa Tom
  5. Just a request for some time saving info re VIT on RB 25's We have just had our preliminary run on the dyno with our circuit car. Without going into details of spec, it charges its way toward 300rwkw (tire spin to be resolved), but initially it has a soft spot off boost. What is the concensis of the variable advance. Retain v loose? what is the best base line inlet cam (standard) timing? Do non variable RB20 type cams fit the RB25? We aren't real bright down here on the island... so any help appreciated. I know I have moved to a Valiant... but still having Nissan fun too TT
  6. Have a GCG RB25 turbo that has only done 1500ks since new. $AUD1,500.00 if you want it. Its at - ummm - Rosevears I think, but can be view in Lonny if you're interested. Ah, you didn't like the lag. You only want a standard one. Can send you a dyno sheet with boost (think I kept em) TT
  7. Well handsome... aren't you the clever one. Unfortunately the little red RB20 GTS-t from team red wont be there... so the paying public will have to wait another round... then they can all be very afraid! it was doing 61's as a stocker Me I'm in Russia! ffffffffffffken cold. See ya soon TT
  8. For Sale; RB26 (R32) Crank and Rods plus oil pump. Falls within manufacturer tolerances. $1,000.00 Also throw in RB20 block if someone wants to build RB24. Tomei RB24 Head Gasket. 25% off RRP. Logistics arranged, cost passed on with no uplift. PM me TT
  9. QUESTION ANSWERED DUNCAN The factory teams will be on a diet of omlet and cake given the amount of egg they have to get rid of... Longhurst in his missus shopping car 4th eh all. The big shiney pantec mob had their colours lowered well and truely. Now they have twelve months to savour the flavour... It can only be hoped that Octagon and Cams either alone or together don't stuff the event by making it a 4wd shopping car event - (and I own one). In fact we now have another R32 GT-R in my shed being repaired... wonder if it's for sale TT
  10. RRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXX I caught up with the Kimber Ocane entry, they understeered off about two k's from the end of Sheffield. "end of esses before you head across the flat to bridge" We had some of the parts chased down and the boys at West Side panels were keen, but when I left the panel shop at about 1830, Steve and the JJ boys had indicateded the work required - pretty sure it will be a no go Get on Glenney - he still has the Nissan heritage and where I watched from on Devonport he was easily the quickest. TT
  11. IT DOESN"T TAKE LONG... .... before a do gooder has to have his two Bobs worth. Rules are written by people who try to give time and effort to facilitate our sport. It is then up to the people who didn't write the rules to use them to their advantage. I have been in motorsport for years and found most of the protests come from team midfield talentless losers. Two Sugars have done something that was sadley lacking in Tassy - Given people with once a year cars a chance to run 7 times per year. I would suggest that if you wanted to compete nationally, you would build your car to suit. 3000 plus spectators at a Club Day... White Hot handicapping, people who would rather have a beer after the event and talk about how to attract more to the next event than winge or spend hours in stewards enquireys mean we have grass roots motorsport on an island with less people than some Sydney suburbs. Why we even have Vics making the trip. Keep your pit politics SteveL, keep them up there on the North Island. We are busy looking for the next Ambrose, Bowe, Goss, White en all. Duncan, I think once the Tarmac scene is over run with factory teams, the top ten will be populated by same... However, you can run your GT-R on the same road the same day as JR & Co and say "This year I was 10 seconds closer to Jim than last year... he is good and I'm having fun" The jury is still out on the rules, but I will garantee one thing - they wont please everyone. Skyd, thanks for all your help in the past... and thanks for sticking to the facts Tom
  12. I have one, and they are overnight thru Jarrod @ Von Bibra's. Tom
  13. Yes Ben, Was talking you and the old man I think... I also used to knock round with your rellies years ago - Craig & Paul. Craig actually painted my XU-1 in about '78.... Good luck with the "R", if you need any bits give me a call Ciao
  14. Will see ya soon mate, been getting the old girl ready for impending sale. Nics Bro had a big paddy's day and thanks you for the cellar tour... didn't know how long to leave it before we came in, LOL. The guys with the flag... what can I say? Have seen them all over and they are the real Nissan fans. The finish party in 03 or 04 was a memorable performance when they were on stage... PMLOL. If anyone wanted to come and join in the fun - we had simiar fun in Monaco - I would be happy to copy them our own service book and give an insite to the best viewing short cuts. In fact a SAU tour would surely get some numbers - just a thought. Ciao
  15. We won't be! After 3 years in the Bunnings Warehouse Skyline, we won't be doing the TT this year. May I say thanks to all the SAU members who have taken the time to say hi in years gone by... gjm will be running a car this year with Bunnings decals - and all the give aways - but I have been relegated to Service Crew. Unfortunately the service car isn't even a Datsun, but it is a wed wun bloke. Our next event will be Rally Burnie and from there we go to Targa NZ... Hope you all have a safe enjoyable event, and if you see the Bunnings Logo on a red 4WD Valiant, come over and say Hi Thanks to Skyd for your help and support over the last three years. Thanks also to SAU for the invaluable database of information. Ciao Greg
  16. To all those who have said good 'ey and supported our Bunnings Warehouse R32 over the last 3 years thanks. Skylines are a mighty little car and ours served us well. It looks like going to a fellow Skyline owner for use in Classic Tarmac Rally competition. Bunnings Warehouse will be at Targa this year, but we are running a different driver and car. I will be doing service crew stuff in our new car - our first outing to be Rally Burnie in July. Thanks again, stay safe, and enjoy the Nissan family experience... I certainly have. Ciao Targa tom
  17. ,Yeah SB, and he races on a shoe string too LOL. $160k, Suspension 20k, brakes >15k, ABS trickery ???k, Motec ???k and the list goes on... But you don't get Jason behind the wheel. All you Skyline junkies want to that your lucky stars they won last year, because with the ensuing rule changes and upgrades to STi & Evo, that was their last shot... (and by JaW's own admition could have ended in tears a number of times) the fact it didn't is testiment to his skill, one of the better spacers going round. I reckon $160 is a bit steep. Can get 2 x IX's for that.... or STi's, or maybe a Focus 4WD Group N... One thing is for sure John probabley wouldn't care if it sat in the corner and gathered dust. Ciao TT832 South Korea
  18. Coverage of Targa Tasmania 2005 will screen on Network Ten on Sunday, June 26th from 2.00pm EST. (Tasmanians can catch all the action from this year’s ‘Ultimate Tarmac Rally’ on Southern Cross Television on Sunday, June 12th, at 5.00pm EST.) Even though the focus is on the front runners, one of the better packages they have done.... except for the guy who understeered off South Riana :Oops: TT
  19. Rally rego varies from state to state... Check before you jump cos the restricions differ. I am selling my GTS-t which is fully complianced and currently fully rego'd in Tassie. Has weld in 6 point with intrusion bar cage and is log booked... The price is right and I have some spares to add like D01j'S PADS, 02'S and if you are serious DMS with circuit/targa springs. Currently putting a second hand engine in... PM me if you're interested. Gotta get a four wheeler to keep up with you SB!!! TT
  20. I grew up with a saying - "Buy a ten dollar helmet for a ten dollar head!" If they have a sticker they meet that standard... but other than that you get what you pay for... ie $130 poly carb. TT
  21. Two of the nicest blokes going round, and smart to boot... Pull into what ever street they are in, and toss a coin - you won't lose. In fact I wish one of them would move to Launceston... TT
  22. We have one thats got some damage - thats cheap (R32GTR) and we have brand new f'glass ones that look nice (BNR32) PM me if you require pricing. I'm in China at the moment but can organise from here... TT
  23. Sadly No, I am on my way to China for work... Got to pay for an EVO IX somehow. But please pass on my apology and my sincere thanks to all those who give up their spare time to get wet, cold, abused, lollies thrown at etc. Because you ARE the people who make the event what it is… TT
  24. Head Gasket, Holed Piston, Burnt Valves.... I would go for the latter... Pull your plugs out and you will find they do not all look the same... Good Luck TT
  25. Thanks for the rap Sav, Fast = RB20 Neat = Driver But it is easy to be smooth on the street sections... their base time is such you dont have to smack into curbs or do tire shredding slides. Had I been more informed(Navigator Role) I would have been slower as we cleaned the stage by 42secs, but cold shredded one tyre TT
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