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Targa Tom

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Everything posted by Targa Tom

  1. 2WD Astra Turbo... Cam McConville '03 or '04 10th outright. Showroom class eh. So does that mean all the RS Evo's bought through Ralliart are precluded? If yes I would consider going up against Greg Burrows & the rest. But if we are running against lightweight $43k mech diff models with the porky AYC GSR Oz complianced model - No contest. Maybe MP & SB might consider that over a beer TT984
  2. I dont think it will work and in the end we have a choice. Either do it or dont. The Burnie events are only ever practice for us for Targa anyway... hell in RT07 we went the oposite way we thought with suspension just to prove we were going the right direction for Targa... Having said that I think club "Ben" might be being a bit harsh on Les. Targa West have in my opinion the most difficult job in the country finding roads to satisfy the criteria (I would argue impossible) They announced the 190k limit before RT/RB... but there is one common denominator. And it is not LW. The fact he purchased the events is purely to keep them going not run the down - I know the dirt rally hysteria is "Slow down Tarmac it's ruining our sport" Wank! I dnt even visit their forums any more they are so devisive its like they are arguing chess v marbles. Do your self a favour boys... C of C at Burnie is Ross Tapper. Google that and you wil get my drift. TT984 Disclaimer: The views express in this post are mine and mine only.
  3. I know, I hang my head in shame every time I come on this forum... My one negative about tyres. Most of you would probabley know I used to be involved in bike racing at an international level. We were supported by a leading tyre brand and as such had access to the same tyres as every one else - well the same to look at any how. Only thing was we were on the "A" tyres. Now this meant a lot of accusations and engine dismantling post event... but our engines were always legal. Given the knock on sales to be gained from winning an event like targa on X brand street tyres, I can see the manufactures producing "A" tyres for their supported pilots. Thing is there is no way you will ever know... Can't wait for the final course to be released Stu, would like to log it before I go OS for work. TT984
  4. Well here I go... get the hose out boys. I will be abrupt because the points can be then absorbed. The Chooklotto - rumoured 250k spent, hope the guys are OK. Classic cars on race tyres designed years after the cars, your comment should apply Benno, The guys in the LHD BMW have crashed the last three years in Targa I know of... 190k limit - If you cant keep the 132k average with a couple of chicanes you are using the wrong piece of road. If there are no roads in your state that fit this criteria - bad luck! You cant have Tarmac events full stop. Normally just beyond the point you reach 190 is an L3.... now I know what I concentrate on! and it aint the speedo... Two recent incidents in Tarmac have not been viewed without a certain amount of hysteria... One the guy was having a crack on a drying road in a skittery car after he had spent 30hrs in the previous week in a plain and had arrived from a 12hr out time zone. The second on a stage that averages 90kph in the wet and 110 in the dry. Drop off without run off - wrong road maybe... It is simple. We two heads have the 3 best Tarmac events in the country... possibly the most suitable roads too. Now two of those have decided to comprimise cars with higher top speed. If a VW spends 60sec above 90 in an event and a Nisubaritsi 10sec and the VW wins normally wins by 50sec, then that is all about to change... Like what Mr B said Benno, if you and MP cant impliment stratergies to pick suitable roads - all be it with the odd chicane - to maintain the internationally agreed 132 then I am going to drive to hobart and strangle all your chooks! ROPS = Roll over protection system, Not fire off the road into a tree system, that would be FOTRITS. TT's 2BOB
  5. Well I dunno, It will save us about 5k in logistics and accomadation.. but as the bulk of Tasmania's population is in the south, our commercial obligations have been comprimised... Just as long as the Mercury has a decent snapper, we have a chance of getting in the daily... gjm are now doing (and have been for a while) composite front bars for R32 (BNR) Think we have an order for one with a winch slot - not sure who that is for LOL Anyhow I have voted with my actions. TT984 rides again. Ciao
  6. When the Apexi Boost kit arrives, it has a fly lead on the solenoid with a two pin connector (Denso maybe). Does anyone know where to purchase these as a connector only or if someone has cut their plug/sock off then maybe they can PM/email me. Thanks in advance for your help TT984
  7. Always is a couple of ways of choking the cat Roy. We now deal with a cage manufacturer in the UK and their harness bars are moved back for that reason - to give some "shock cord" effect. Even their hans cages have the harness bar low with a second bar giving the required angle... still allowing long harness straps. Its not like they stretch very far, and I am from the long harness mob. My cage contacts aren't dills either supplying Pro-drive and Ralliart UK. As for the thread, my first cage was an R32 Bond weld in kit... while you have to notch yourself, they are a tight fit and you can add bars to your own needs... ie cross over intrusion on the drive side. Hope this helps TT984
  8. We had one done in '03 for sponsors and it was quite good... will have to check the pricing though because I believe it was more expensive than dat16. Had a bit of slow mo en all so good to have one done. TT
  9. TL1000, R33 GT-R, Evo, R32 GT-R... same bloke??? TT984
  10. Thats what I'm talkin about... TT984
  11. Well Suncoast is off and running and it appears to be the usual suspects for the prologue hill climbe.... Gotta love former Targa winners and crowd favs - 6th quickest in 1970 Datto 240Z. My old sparring partner from Targa and former Australian Hill Climbe Champ Matt Close was fast on his first run, but dropped time on his second. First day of competition today... yesterdays top (some)- Car No / Crew / Vehicle / Comp 971 / Ray Vandersee QLD - Jahmeil Taylor SA / 2004 Skelta G-Force / Mod 940 / Jim Richards VIC - Barry Oliver VIC / 2007 Porsche GT 3 RS / Mod 921 / Matt Close VIC - Casey Close VIC / 2001 Porsche Turbo / Mod 979 / Andrew Taplin SA - Daniel Young SA / 2004 Porsche GT3 / Mod 7 / Grant Denyer NSW - Dale Moscatt NSW / 2006 Subaru WRX STI C Spec / Mod 452 / Jon Siddins QLD - Ferg Ferguson QLD / 1970 Datsun 240z / Cls 916 / Tony Quinn QLD - Keith Wenn TAS / 2006 Porsche 997 Turbo / Mod 804 / Jeremy Norris QLD - Tim Norris QLD / 1995 Nissan GTR 33 N V Spec / Mod 909 / Frank Purdy QLD - Dave Beard QLD / 2005 Porsche 996 Turbo S / Mod 912 / Dylan Thomas NSW - Dave Thomas NSW / 2005 Misubishi Lancer Evo IX / Mod 444 / Len Cattlin VIC - Gayle Cattlin VIC / 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302 / Cls 507 / KC Callinan QLD - Mary-Anne Callinan QLD / 1972 De Tomaso Pantera / L/Cls 904 / Martin Higgins NSW - Paul Hansen NSW / 2006 Mitsubishi Evo 9 RS / Mod 920 / Alistair Bye QLD - Seung Lee Fook QLD / 2006 BMW 130i / Mod 622 / Brett Kay VIC - Stuart Jack VIC / 1981 Mazda RX7 / L/Cls 576 / Bill Pye NSW - Merv Ward NSW / 1974 Porsche 911 / L/Cls 972 / Klark Quinn QLD - Adrian Bolton QLD / 2003 MITSUBISHI EVO VIII / Mod 902 / Daniel Ford QLD - Natalie Ford QLD / 2004 Subaru Spec C / Mod 609 / Sam Todd QLD - Dean Tighe QLD / 1977 Holden Torana A9X / L/Cls TT984
  12. Saw the said vehicle on the flat tray... you need a 1980 SSS 180B to drive to work mate. TT
  13. In my time.... Senna, G. Villeneuve, Montoya (floored genius), Mansell, Prost in that order Cars are about 85% of the F1 race and Senna won in some 5h1tters. Tell your gay M8 I reckon you're right TT984
  14. We offer our Current Evo IX for sale: Features: Autronic SMD Ralliart ACD Controller M2 Spec Exhaust Reconditioned GB Ralliart/Extreme Paddle Clutch Aerocatch FIA 07 spec T45 tower to tower cage DL1 GPS logger WBO2 driver compatable with Autronic Autotune Solid State batt isolator Spare rear bar cover 07 front splitter and vortex thingy 2 x Cobra Suzuka seats 5/6 Point 3" Sabelt Harnesses Spare shox, clutch, and many SBS pads. This is ADR complied - drive away.. Offers over $AUD50k (with new Intrax 4way adjustable Shox $AUD65k) TT984
  15. Seeing the old girl in full flight makes me want to cry.... onya rocket! Actually when you build a car, your first race car, a lot of your time is spent doing research and learning the model. Your heart and soul goes into it and when its sold - like your virginity - a little of you goes with it... I'm so stoked that you are getting so many grins Rocket... when you have an emotional tie with, and sell something, the biggest hope is the new owner gets what they are looking for. It would seem like that is happening.... One thing about racing an R32 is you become part of the Skyline family. It is something that isn't always apparent till you go to a brand without that culture in Oz. Anyone got an R32 N1 for sale? TT984
  16. Yes, my missus was very dissappointed the original #832 parked funny, but they went to Bunnings and got a fibreglass repair kit to fix lip and job done... Owner is on here somewhere so I wont take the P155 till I see his pics. TT
  17. As I understand it, the cars are not intended for modification (racing) Therefore all the guys who run standard Porches normally are having all sorts of problems when they make their standard modifications. I believe there is a fibre optic cable that does a lap of the car and reports to the ECU. Anything untoward is reported as an error - ie tyre run out /speed v gps speed and front tyre runout v rear... This is just the tip of the iceberg. Quinny told me they are a better car stock than the 996 was stock, but the frigging for racing R & D is going to take a lot of time(money) to get them right. Matt Close finished just behind Quinny in his sorted 2001 Model FI the Aston Martin is suffering the same electronic handicap... throw into that the Lamb too While I am here - well done to Ben and his pupil. A strong cosistant finish is what Targa is all about... We will be sure to revert to that strategy when we go back to a classic car... ATM it's the "fast as you can for as long as we can..." - this year mechanicals let us own, but come April 15 2008, hope we have it right. TT 984
  18. We have been on the video 3 out of four years... it's easy. 1: Win, 2: Crash at spectator/Camera Point, 3: Do something stupid on filmed corner, 4: Lend your helmet to a nav who is in a crash... we haven't won yet! TT
  19. I am not sure, but told Holywood to check the tyre regs closely... I can't understand anone running 18's because it limits your tyre choices... 32's had 16 x 8 std and therfore could run maybe 17s Benno can probabley help us here. Again, one thing that Targa does teach you is how to read regs and research in a way that suits your cause. TT
  20. Don't know about the HP race up Buller, but we will be at Burnie I reckon... Just waiting to see what they have planned for it. Lots of Rumours... Burnie to be biased toward ARC Tarmac round and Rally Tas to be a stick with the Classic market. Either way the 3 of the best 4 Tarmac events are in Tassie, so we are spoiled ATM TT
  21. I don't get it. If you are doing Targa, even the most expensive tyres around are your cheapest expense. I have no idea why people are running tyres based on price. I don't think the boys are blaming tyres for their bungee jump, but if it was a consideration I see a lot more than $1600 in damage... Hope the bug has bitten enough to get you back. A reshell will cost a fair bit of time, but thats about all... Noticed you snuck in a pick Kel... thank you TT
  22. Day 1, broke front end in Nookville while sixth outright... Day 2/3 STD susp = slow, Day 4 Borrowed Vandenbergs Suspension = 8th for the day Sunday am, ready to join que at Parc Fermet (sic) and the gerbox selected two gears (internal broken) faaaaaaark = drink 20 bourbons! Good to see you all, and sorry about the GT-R carnage... the cars looked trick and we all understand the commitment it takes to do the event from Sydney. Hope to see you back in 08 We continue to learn and with the car we started the event with, could probabley hang in the top 20... just gotta build in some reliability. TT 984
  23. Prepare for a shock when you get there.... some new bits fitted!!! TT
  24. Went the Autronic path Ben, and really happy with the outcome. Has Autotune, and with no 4wd dynos in Launceston that is a bonus. And unlike some other high end ecu's it comes with all the fruit... Anti-Lag, Launch control, boost control are all catered for using oem senors. Logging and all the other nice things too. But they just need a bit of caressing to get the boost tables sorted. Will have a break tomorrow & saturday to do a couple of recce days... Finish it off to 90% Sunday then ot to Symmons next week for final high load stuff. TT
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