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faez 4s

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Everything posted by faez 4s

  1. What should be the problem here? Cefiro a31 Rb20de 1993 Auto trans Change new walbro fuel pump and install new nissan ngk sparkplug, the problem is, the engine wont start, its like its missfiring or something, i've test the coil pack see it if its has any spark and yes there's a spark, tried to suck the sparkplug in the coil pack yes there's a spark, i've already tried to spin the CAS, the injector seems to be working fine, the starter seems to be okay and very well, i've triend to start the engine but still the engine wont start, so any answer? Suggestion? Any?
  2. I've recently post the video of my engine, at SAU facebook, you can watch it over there, Or Here the url of the video https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=714701391944905&id=17656425418&comment_id=714750771939967&offset=0&total_comments=2&_rdr
  3. i think it doesn't run for a few years till now, i have unplug the cas from the cam, and start to test it when i'm trying to start the engine, i don't know if its right to check the cas is working or not
  4. ok sorry, maybe he video uploaded arent work, so i'll just explain it, i have change the sparks plugs already, but when i try to start the engine, there's no firing, and i check my CAS arent rotating, what should be the problem??
  5. hi, i have some issue on my rb20de , so what would be the problem of my car engine, i have post a video of mine so you can help me dealing with this problem thanks
  6. solving my car problem ya!

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