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    BMW E30M3

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  1. Because the oil that is in the catch can is not clean. At least it do not look clean.
  2. Thanks So use the rear turbo return as a crankcase vent is no good? I'm a bit concerned to have a return from the catch can to the oilpan.
  3. Already got one on each side ?
  4. Hello I have now run my RB26 for two seasons. About 14.000km in total. I re did the hone and new piston rings this spring and buildt a new catch can. But it is coming some oil out from the filters on top of the can. I also had aboud 3dl of oil in it after 2500km drive on the Autobahn including 2 laps at the Nürburgring. I have the rear head drain to under oil level. As I now understand this is wrong? My setup is: -Sock balanced bottom end. -Jun oil pumo with spline drive gear -Drilled oil return galleries to match head gasket -Jun oilpan baffles -Mines head baffles -1.2mm restrictor -AN10 from rear turbo drain to top of catch can -AN10 from right side of oilpan above level to top of catch can -AN10 rear head drain to under oil level in oilpan -AN12 from rockercovers to top of catch can What I'm thinking is to move the head drain to the position on the right side of oil pan above oil level. And only have the rear turbo drain as crank case to catch can ventilation. Is that a solution?
  5. Think we peaked at 1.35 bar
  6. Here is my dynosheet with EFR 7064 T4 .92 internal wastegate. RB26 is stock, fully balanced. 6Boost manifold, 3" exhaust. Bosch Motorsport 970 injectors. Stock ITB setup. You can see it dies out on top. So I will probably go for the 7670 T4 for 2017 season. This is on 98 RON fuel. Measured on the hub.
  7. Using the RB25 gearbox, and it is leaking from the front and rear shaft. Car almost catch fire yesterday because of it. It is now drivable and finished. Been testing yesterday and got some minor things to take care of. Got some oil leaks that is nr1 priority.
  8. I got some things done with the car this weekend. Not that everything can be seen on photos. I removed the engine to put on the remaining parts in the oilpan. And sealed it for this time. As usual, I start off with a coffee break! The air filter I will be using. And the filters for the catch can Got some silicone radiator hoses for R32GTR, but I do not think they will fit. Oil drain for the back of the cylinderhead arrived And some fittings. AN10 and AN12. Fitted the head drain Welded myself an AN10 for crankcase ventilation where the drain for the rear turbo was before. Got the ATI Superdamper torqued to spec and the waterpump pulley. As well as the complete TBS and intake bolted up with gaskets. Flywheel and clutch mounted. And that leves this for the next time I'm traveling to work on the car.
  9. Why? After all I have read about coils. These seems to be the one with least problems.
  10. So, I have done some more things Painted the blasted parts in black wrinkle paint. Started off by polishing the RB26 letters, and had some slilcone on them so the paint would not stick. Painted Mounted the AN12 breathers Then, I started to build the downpipe. I started this friday evening and did not get f**king anywere. My mind did not work. So I called it the night, and just watched some tv series instead. So today I started fresh and it all came down to me quick, so after a couple of hours I had buildt the downpipe. I then wiped some dust of the engine bay and mounted the painted parts to get a look at what the final product might look like. Sits pretty low in the bay. Good for lower center of gravety. That is all for now. There will be some weeks before next update. Untill then, take care and stay tuned for the next one. Tanks.
  11. Ok, so, time for update again! As sad as it is, I'm moving to another place this weekend. And the car will continue to stay where it is for now. That leaves me with about 2.5 hour drive to get to it. So there will be less progress here from Saturday and on. I just have to use the weekends to get shit done before the winter kicks in and it is getting to cold to do anything. So this is the reason why I have kicked in an extra gear these few weeks. Staying in the garage from 3pm to 11pm. Getting more and more things done here, and I'm starting to see an end to this. I have engineered a lot of custom parts for this build, that is things I have never done. I have always done things that other people do, but this time it was my turn to invent the wheel. I'm the type of person that want to help other people find information on the web. If you want to build a proper RB26 swapped E30, I want you to find the answer to all your questions here. But I assume most people toss the idea away once they see all the work it require. What have I done since last time? I have build the intecooler pipe from turbo > Intercooler, cleaned the sandblasted parts for sand and dirt, finished the oil catch can, assembled the first half of the intake manifold and made the plug to the speedometer sensor on the gearbox. So, let's start with the intercooler pipe. I'm actually not happy with how it turned out, but it will do the job for now. To get this finish on the pipe I used steel wool. For the gearbox I just made this really quick. Tapped the hole, put in Loctite and high temp RTV silicone for sealing. The catch can is another story. I had no clue on how these was supposed to look inside, and no one could ever give me a proper answer to how I should build it eater. But I understood that the hot oil / vent needed to hit a flat surface before exiting the can. To get that effect I spot welded a plate inside the can, and there was also needed stainless steel wool as a "filter" for the steam or what I shall call it. So I opened the can and spot welded the plate. I then continued to seam weld the can Stainless steel wool that I bought on the grocery store Stuffed in the can Aaaand DONE! About 5 working hours to make this can. All the parts that is sandblasted and washed. Assembly of the spacer between the throttle bodies and the head. I do not know what I should call this part. Carburettor maybe. On this part there is a vacuum rail and a water rail. Scraped and cleaned the old silicone gasket I use this RTV silicone for the job Assembled The NISMO thermostat was installed together with the thermostat housing. Painted the bracket for the throttle and throttle linkage black I just put some parts on the engine to see how it might look. I like this a lot!
  12. So, what have we done today? Yes, I have welded some more aluminium. This time on that shitty expensive turbo. Started off by removing the compressor housing Then I masked it up with aluminium tape Cut it of with a hacksaw Drove over to my workplace and made it ready for welding Spot welded Work in progress Done welding Used this weld as a reference for how much heat I should work with. So this needed to be match portet a bit. Ported and cleaned I then sanded the pipes and finished off with some steel wool. Afer that I cleaned the hell out of it! Final product And I had to test it in the car before bedtime! Also bolted up the oil cooler. Did not have more left of the clear bolts, so I had to use an anodized one. This bothers me, so I have to buy some more bolts so they can all be the same.
  13. Did get some more things sorted. Have sand blasted the things that is going to be paintet, got hold of some parts for the exhaust, aluminium bits to weld on the turbo and gold heat foil.
  14. Could not resist. So I went out for another hour or so in the garage tonight. It is in. There was not much room for the manifold. Guess this was just luck!!
  15. I have not made that great progress today, since I had to spend some time on Ebay to source some fittings that I have forgotten to order. Damn. I was hoping that I had ordered ALL the fittings. I want to dress up the engine, but have not decided on the looks yet. I'm leaning towards black wrinkle like the S50. Regardless, the old paint needed to go. So I went on with some paint remover. Mounted the fittings on the turbo In order to get a nice line for the water return from the turbo, I decided to thread the top line from the radiator. I will put in AN6 adaptor here. Cut it off... Drilled out Thread And done I buildt the engine mounts way before I got the manifold, and they needed to be modified. Like this, I also reinforced that one on the uderside to be sure. To do that I used my new ESAB Caddy C200i MIG welder. Just bought this baby couple of moths ago, and I can't understand how I managed to work on this car without my own welder before. Here is a little instruction on how it works. First off you measure the material you are welding. In this case we have 4mm stainless steel. Then you just select 4mm on the machine Weld for a few seconds on some equal steel And the machine have set itself for the optimal setting for that weld. Easy! And done! I bought ARP manifold studs for this, so I removed the stock ones today and mounted the ARP one. I think this actually made quite a difference in the looks as well. Old ones... ARP mounted with the manifold Some random overview shots (before ARP)
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