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Del Sol

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Everything posted by Del Sol

  1. Del Sol

    Guard Rolling

    A few of the QuickFit tyre places have rolling machines. Last time I checked they are $50 - $60 per guard.
  2. Powdercoating is harder to damage than paint, so if you want a plain colour like white or black then powdercoat is the best. Otherwise if you want a custom colour you can get them painted, but getting them painted properly won't be cheaper than powdercoating. They should be painted with 2pac, then baked. Even with 2pac paint you get the odd stone chip, especially on the rears.
  3. Del Sol

    New Member

  4. Quickfit does guard rolling, costs about $110 for 2 guards from memory.
  5. Let us know how you go, I might get one too
  6. Del Sol

    New Member

    The B16A does sound good on VTEC. Best thing is hitting VTEC in a tunnel with the roof off
  7. Del Sol

    New Member

    Hahaha those JDM bling bling honda parts are not cheap! Mitsubishi and Nissan parts are cheap in comparison... For example, a quad throttle setup for the mirage was going to be just over $2k. Same thing for the Honda is $5500! And the price the honda people will pay for a set of headders :uhh: Anyway I'm pretty happy with the handling now. Just fine tuning the settings a bit. It actually feels quicker than the mirage, which I never thought it would (the sol is a heavier car, plus the targa roof should make it less rigid). Charly: Yeah thats the gremlin lancer in the left of the photo
  8. Mmmm have you seen the videos of the Greddy twin turbo Z? But then again, there's no point buying a car you can't afford, no matter how good it is. You need to have money for other stuff appart from cars
  9. Glenfords has engine cranes on special for about $300 at the moment. Not sure how good they are but i'm considering it...
  10. Yeah, I didn't even know what a Stagea was till a few weeks ago when Cyrus sent me some pics
  11. Del Sol

    New Member

    Yeah the bling bling wasn't my choice :Oops: But these cars are rather hard to find so you have to take them as they come. The heavy chrome wheels will be comming off when I have the funds for something else, but the suspension work had to come first. Stock performance is ok, since it's got the B16A motor in it. They usually run in the 15's. Anyway experience with the mirage has shown that there is more to going fast than the 1/4 mile.... Ohh and I love how you can drive around for a whole week without seeing another car the same
  12. Last week I saw a Stagea for the flesh for my first time ever! Was a white one parked outside the Admin building at UQ. Nice looking car
  13. Del Sol

    New Member

    Hi everyone After talking to a few ppl, I decided to come back and join the forum. Alot of people here will know the old car (and what happened to it ): I considered an R33 GTS-T as a replacement but really not the kind of car I drive. Its not that I don't like skylines (if i didn't why would I be here lol), its just not my style. In the end I found a car I really like. This is the new car: I picked it up pretty much stock excpet for superlow springs and the chrome wheels. I got rid of the superlows and stock shocks right away. Following in the same style as the Mirage, the car now rides on koni coilovers. It's also had a rear strut brace, adjustable rear sway bar, front castor kit, and rear camber kit installed. The tyres were replaced with Yoko ES100, and kevlar brake pads all round. Anyway I hope the sight of a Honda in this thread dosen't offend too many people. I have always appreciated SAU as one of the few remaining forums for true motoring enthusiats.
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