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Everything posted by Saru

  1. At our most recent REACT club meeting our Clerk of Course has said that hooning around will not be discouraged at all. Tyre smoke will not be frowned upon as long as you are attempting to complete the course. A static burnout will be frowned upon, as will doing donuts and both will earn you a chat from the CoC. That said, there is a lot of latitude in what "attempting to complete the course" means :kewl: I received an entry from "SupaFly Skyline" yesterday - the first skyline to enter Neil - could you send me a competed entry form with your details? There are now 4 places left and I'm sure we'll get people trying to enter on the day. I'd hate for you to drive down from Sydney and then not be able to compete. http://www.react.org.au/documents/saruseve...enEntryForm.doc You can sign and pay on the day but if I have a form I'll hold a place for you. Send it to [email protected] (I've PM'd you too) See you Sunday! :burnout:
  2. Come in your parents car Seriously, if you're a learner, I'd be very surprised if you came close to hurting it. Don't be afraid about coming in an "embarassing" car, either (this goes for anyone!) - so far we have Mazda 808s, 1970s Chyrsler/Mitsubishi Lancers and a 1986 323 (among other things). There are no "embarassing" cars if your actually competing!
  3. Yes, spectators are most welcome.
  4. How familar are you with Canberra? Coming in down the Federal Highway, turn right onto Sutton Rd which is just (about 200m - maybe less) after Macs Reef Rd. Sutton Rd and Macs Reef Rd are just before you enter the ACT. Continue down Sutton Rd. The Driver Training Centre is quite visible from the road and is on the right if you're coming south down Sutton Rd. If you reach the intersection with Piallago Rd (spelling?) you've gone about a km too far. I think the Driver Training Centre is about 10-15kms from the turnoff. You can't miss it, as long as you're on Sutton Rd. If you have a map (I like the free one from the NRMA) you'll be fine. R31_silo2: If you can get a car for the day that someone is happy for you to semi-abuse, we can organise a day-licence for you that does not require car club membership. It will be $10 on top of the $40 entrance fee. You need to tell me before 5pm on Monday 17th Jan or else I can't guarantee you a spot.
  5. Should I be expecting entries from any SAU people?
  6. I have just now heard back from our Chief Scrutineer - the ignition lock is only required for pre-1978 unregisted cars only. If your car is post 78, no problems, even if it's un-rego'd. Neil, the venue at Sutton is a large flat tar area, as Duncan described. We will be using it dry due to water restrictions. Early entries close NEXT Friday, the 17th. Save yourself $5 and get in early!
  7. I will look in my CAMS manual tonight and see if its in there for motorkhanas. Perhaps the scrutineer is confused with higher level stuff - he normally scrutineers for rallies, IIRC.
  8. The scrutineer has asked me to say that non-road registered cars must "have any steering column locking device removed or disabled". (it's a CAMS regulations - don't ask my why, it just is
  9. What place in Dickson? Regardless - not as far as I know. I would doubt that a business would open their carpark to "anyone" to hold a motorkhana, mainly from an insurance side of things. The CAMS side of things gives REACT and competitors $100,000,000 of public liability cover so that places like Sutton Road are willing to let us hire their venue. It is possible for clubs to have "come and try" days where you don't need to be a member to come along and where day-licences are provided but that's not what REACT is running in January.
  10. As far as I know, this is the first one for a while now. I believe that the MG car club had one in October.
  11. You can get an junior L2NS (which is the licence you need for a motorkhana) at 12. You must also be a member of a CAMS affiliated car club. see here: http://www.cams.com.au/content.asp?PageID=...rs&ObjectID=310
  12. Hello Skyliners! REACT (Rotary Enthusiasts of the ACT) is proud to announce our second ever CAMS affiliated event, the SaruSeven Motorkhana. This event is being run as a multi-club event, meaning that anyone can enter as long as they have a CAMS licence. It would be great to see some SAU members at this event. When is it and where is it? The motorkhana starts at 10.30am on Sunday 23 January at the Sutton Road driver training complex, just outside of Canberra. Competitors must be present for scrutineering from 9am. How to enter Entering is farily simple. 1. Read the event announcement on the REACT website 2. Download the entry form and supp regs. 3. Send the entry form to REACT with your entry fee 4. REACT will send you a receipt and some other details 5. Come along and have fun! The small matter of CAMS licences The SaruSeven Motorhana is a CAMS affiliated event which means that you need a motorsports licence to participate. SAU is CAMS affiliated so you can get a licence through SAU. There is no test to get a licence, you just fill in a form and send CAMS some money. You need a minimum of an L2NS licence which costs $44 for a year. What will this cost and what do I get for my money What is costs The entry fee is $35 if you enter before 17 December and $40 if you enter after 17 December but before 14 January. The fee is per driver. What you get The entry fee goes towards obtaining the CAMS permit, producing the book of test layouts and hiring the Sutton Road complex's large manouvering area. The CAMS permit covers REACT in the unlikely event that something goes wrong and also covers competitors involved in any accidents with non-competitors. Yes, REACT has third party property cover on all entrants! How to find out more? You can read the event announcement on the REACT website. (Hopefully you have done so already) You can read All about the SaruSeven Motorkhana, an article on motorkhanas, on the REACT website. You can ask questions here. Thanks for reading!
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