Thanks awesome info, Yeah i'm 6'3 and just fit in my r33. seat all the way back and i put the stock steering wheel as high as it can come up for my legs.
Yeah i have a steel nismo gear shifter knob and it get's hella hot in the sun so I'm used to burning my hands already.
Thanks perfect info about the boss kits. so if I wanted a quick release so i could take the wheel inside my house with me to prevent it being stolen. someone would just need to have any aftermarket steering wheel? I want it to prevent people stealing. Is that the same with all boss kits or is quick release something else.
Thanks very much, so much good info in there
Yeah most wood have steel in the middle with no padding just a horn. so i guess that would be a no go for most wooden. wood would look ugly with padding anyway. I don't have an airbag so i accept that I'm going to get f**ked up if i have a decent crash anyway. just have to try and avoid them.
That's 50% of the reason why i want to have an aftermarket wheel. so i can take it off the prevent it getting stolen. (not so i can show people my swag).
I like this suede one by key!s
Still no padding so i will have to check out the laws in NSW
Cheers everyone!