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Whoa Black Boaty

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Everything posted by Whoa Black Boaty

  1. You're right. I wouldn't care who they are. If you don't support what we are doing over there then that's not the way to protest..
  2. yes insurance but he got away for have to pay excess. might go down to the shops and ask but chances are pretty slim. he was drifting around back streets so i doubt it.
  3. Looking for a silver commodore possible p plate that crashed into my car at approx 3:00am tonight. I heard him drift around the corner and crash into the car, He speed off with a train of coolant trail that i could follow because he drifted around the corners after and when he slows down spilled more fluid. His radiator fluid is f**ked spilling fluid everywhere down the street. If you see a silver commodore in the campbelltown area that looks like they had a very heavy accident pm me. Anyone who works smash repair in campbelltown area keep and eye out (I know chances are slim on here but if you live in campbelltown keep and eye out) cheers
  4. If i was in you position which i'm not even close. Manual - auto. which would you prefer to drive everyday. r34 prob cheaper to maintain. my mum works for nissan and she said that they have special mechanics for gtrs that makes everything more expensive and yes it's a cheap car for how good it is same class as audi r8 and c63. Cheap to buy but maintaining it is the main cost. Just going on what I've heard.
  5. The police did do amazing 2 dead is pretty good for so much hostages. No blame on polices part. But look at this image, no hostage as shield. any sniper in the world could make that. 999/1000 times
  6. Me 2. tbh if someone steps on your property with the intent to steal something or hurt you or any of your family. laws should go straight out the window. Same when there is a sketchy muslim sending hate mail to deceased australian soldiers families and you don't have enough evidence to convict him of murder. keep him in jail until you can can find him guilty or innocent. don't send him into public to allow him to walk the streets among everyone else. I blame the courts/justice system more than the nut job that did it.
  7. No but we have media taking snaps of him in perfect view with no hostages as shields. just shot the dude in the head and save 2 innocents lives.
  8. I didn't understand the clutch bit. Instead of plantar flexion of the ankle you engage the clutch by dorsiflexion LOL I'm kidding
  9. Thanks, I can't remember but i had a look at all fluids when i bought the car with my brother and he said they are all clean and topped up. i know i don't trust car salesman anything i know they are liars and just want to make a sale. cheers
  10. Yeah i'll try out everything that people suggested and see if that helps. I know how to change gears I have been driving manual for a year and driven a ford fiesta and nissan dualis with no problem in term of effort. I could change gears with my finger tips with both cars. In the skyline i have to muscle it into gear. there's no problem finding gears if that was the case it would on be 2nd to 3rd and 4th to 5th only. Cheers everyone
  11. Compared to a point a to b car yes it is. has almost 3x the hp of lets say a nissan micra. For p plate legal, it's only just under the power laws in nsw.
  12. Oh also when i wiggle it in neutral to make sure it's out of gear before i release brake or clutch I can hear the noise from underneath my car when i have to windows down. Is this normal? If anyone else has a r33, gts or gtst can they wiggle it in neutral and see if they can hear it.
  13. I have a rb25de (n/a) but yes it is a heavy powerful car and i understand that it should be harder to change than a point a to b car. I know how to rev match but i don't think that's the problem because it happens no matter what speed/rpm i'm going. I should probably drive another one or drive someone else's to see if the same but don't know anyone. Yes mike. That could be what it is. Definitely feels like somethings done up way to tight. I sound like a bitch complaining that it's to hard to move a stick haaha
  14. new to me Only bought it about a month ago. yes always hard to shift. and no work done to it (by me or that i know of). It's not a huge deal, it's still driveable. just a preference to making my car 100%
  15. Bigger BBS wheels and tire width. (if your car still has them on) Gauges and clusters Ability to say you have a gtr vspec is probably the best difference.
  16. Oh and the strangest thing it's only hard going in between certain gears. like i mentioned 1st to 2nd is the worst. followed by 2nd to 3rd. 3rd to 4th is easy. 4th to 5th is not to bad either. So i'm thinking it's the ones that get used the most.
  17. I have no idea about this. I just know how to use one haha If i try to shift quick it sometimes in resists and throws it in the previous gear or finds neutral. It's usually my fault for half assing it. I prefer it to be a little hard over putting it in gear like butter. I kind of like ripping it into gear with muscle. but than it sucks if i f**k up the gear change. anyway It does not crunch if i have the clutch engaged. Not sure exactly what synchros are. but if you explain i might know what it feels like. Pretty sure transmission fluid is new. because i just bought the car from a dealer a month ago. i might try the product you mentioned. I was thinking about lubricating the end of the stick shift so it glided a little easier. Stabby; doesn't matter if hot or cold, usually hard even when driving for a couple of hours. I'm not sure if it a short shifter or not. I have a short nismo knob but could be stock or short shifter not sure. Cheers guys i will try out everything you mentioned,
  18. Ok my gear shifter is very hard to put into certain gears. up and downshifting from second to firsts is the worst. up shifting from third to 4th is easy. I want to know how i can make it a little easier. for doing pulls and shifting quickly it sucks. My mums car is like nothing. it's too easy to change gears. my car i have to put my muscle into it. someone in between would be ideal. Any other way to make it easier besides lubrication? Cheers.
  19. I'm going to have the car for over 3 years at least. It's completely stock, i want to at least upgrade the exhaust so it sounds a little better.
  20. Oh and it is def illegal to undertake in merging lanes.
  21. He said the the lane was ending so he speed up to try and squeeze in. Try and do that in front of a cop and see if that's legal. Obviously you can undertake on highway if someone is in the right lane and going 70km/h other wise everyone would have to stop and go to 70km/h
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