At least NZ'ers acknowledge in this advertisement it's not speed that is the Root Cause of road accidents, as per the signs we have all over Australia.
"Speed Kills" can be a true statement BUT the Root Cause in most cases is "Others make mistakes".
So although "speed kills" is technically the correct cause of deaths, Others making mistakes cause the majority of accidents. This is what causes IMPACT occurring.
Know your capabilities, those of your vehicle and road conditions.
Drive to those and we should concentrate on removing "Others making mistakes".
Focus on driving when in a Car.
- Not the mobile phone, not the conversation in the car with occupants, not the scenery or a distraction (eg: workers or a Kangaroo) on the side of the road. Not what people in another car are doing, not trying to get in front of a car to suddenly turn left or right, not to slow a faster vehicle down etc ....
Lower number of accidents equates to lowering the road death toll. Lowering the speed further does not reduce accidents, it promotes more idiots. Although may save a few smaktards
Society has created mindless drivers and therefore the road stats remain fairly static.
/end rant