gee I dont know Scott - do you think you'll be able to get your money back ?
to help you out I'll take it off your hands for what you bought it for maaaaaaaaaate
It's had a good tub today and scrubbed up pretty well indeed.
Servied it and cleaned the engine bay too, blackend tyres
A few coming over to check it out on the weekend, and I expect it will sell for $8.
(counts chickens....)
lol - its all through the Ad, that and the signature on the air box
Personally Bob yours photographs alot better.
$90k for a signature - not sure !
Edit: For both would be a fair price
lots and lots in gold bricks mate. send me an offer.
Better still come round on the weekend and tell me.
oh and a Magnum Magina is just another way of saying....Big C#nt
^same again for me trying ACT main page^ with IE9.
Edit: Just went into internet options selected "delete: and unticked "perserve favourites" information. Then deleted.
Seems fine for me now
Ta - still for me it's not available under IE9 but will check again in the morn
Have cleared my cache, deleted temp files etc.. still happens. Likely to be my end tho .