Try Gumtree. Reasonable one for $250 a little while back.
Another add up there too for a GTR wheel but no price listed as multiple parts.
The last way is Nissan new for $750ish
Manufacture Part No: NIS-32861-05U00
$9 from Kudos
Sorry GTSboy I just grabbed the pic from that link.
Here's the correct link
#@wannaslide - Adjust your toe for starters
Just realised from your first post you mentioned 15mm out in comparison to drivers side
Try 1.5mm fronts L/R and 2.0mm rears L/R
I'd take it into a good alignement shop as I posted above & ask them. Advice is free
although to fix is not. It just could be your frame or rear axle are out of whack !
Can you take a pic and post up your Wheel Alignment sheet
Have you gone back to the professionals who did the alignment and asked ?
(King pin angle, thrust angle and track difference)
If you want to disable (like WILL NOT start but will crank).
Unplug and take the plug with you
Unless your thief has one with them (so very unlikely)
tuck it under your fuse box
If Non ADR approved / Mod plated
Accidents will negate any Insurance claims
Impact with pedestrians may be worse (and negate any insurance)
IMHO - the CF bonnet look is tacky and 90's
oh and attracts attention and defects