I realise this question gets asked a lot but i am after some specific advice around my issue - as the troubleshooting i've done hasn't helped
Recently finished dropping an RB20DET into my previously 25DE skyline. Has been pretty straightforward and i've been damn nice to this engine. (new everything pretty much)
Now i re-used the 25DE loom because they share the same AFM and everything like that. There are two plugs that go no where in the engine bay.
Rest is all wired up and i got it running sweet first pop - it purs (also only downpipe at the moment, so quite loud...)
BUT i ran into 2 problems. Maybe linked, maybe not. Who knows.
Firstly - After about a minute or two of running, i got onto boost a little bit and it suddenly began misfiring and sounding like a wrx/rotary at idle. I tried 3 different ignitor packs (don't ask why i have so many) and none helped. I swapped the coil loom to a different one but no help... Could it just be a dodgy coil? I was told they were all mint but who knows. Dodgy injector maybe?
Secondly - After turning the key to the ON position - i noticed that none of the interior gadgets were working. Radio, heater controls etc were all dead. Is there a plug responsible for all this that i may have missed?
Cheers for any help.