umm yeah i wouldnt trust the braking and handling abilities of some of the OTHER cars attending that cruise
macma ring paul at autoworx, he is straight up and will be able to help you for sure even if it is to tell you that he cant bring an r32 in unless its an 89 model
and heck hopefully you can get an r33 if not just for the airbag/s
what was the reason that I told you why i hadnt removed the sticker
you could clearly see it was bad news
"get a professional to remove it, because when you look closely you can see that its been there forever.....thats why i havent taken it off yet"
hmm sound familiar
I have no words to describe how you make me feel sometimes (in a non romantic or sexual way...if that helps)
damn guys
If you have contents insurance you should be able to get an extension on that called valuables or portable insurance..
It cover various items for around $40 or so a year and will cover for accidental loss or damage around getting annoying and bulky "lose it" and claim it
*this practice is not endorsed by me personally or the company i work for* tee hee hee
oh yeah centre bar loosen it dont take it all the way off
umm and yes there will definately be silicone
the coloured section is also removable and then you are left with the indicator and tail lights that you can mess around with and seal etc
dont be afraid to pull
or wedge, hehe
okay well dont forget that lil bit in the centre of the boot that says skyline on it...that has to come out as well, all the bolts are behind the rear trim, there is like 5 bolts that need to be undone
here is a pic to give you an idea
This is in Perth so if you wanna freight to over east should cost much
Got a 5 dial SAFC for sale if anyone needs a cheap air/fuel controller
This is cheap so not looking to haggle ....alot
info here
sms me on 0438 616 840 or pm etc etc
agreed my 2 cents is buy the one for $100 thats a great price for the pay back they present
forget all the camber stuff and look at it as an investement in the driving pleasure you experience from your car.
instead of contacting everyone under the c-red man..the clutch is spankers brand new so i have no idea ...apart from you doing burnouts in it..why the pressure plate would die so quick..
they installed it a few days before you picked it up
please tell me you have done the front part of your exhaust before going and paying for a dyno run...otherwise its not worth doing the run
mark a guy i met is selling a 93 gsr with a 2l conversion and a whole bunch of crap on it including wheels and also..
umm the car has high kms, but he has changed suspension and i guess its up to what you like or dont like and how much you rate km's
i can get his details if you want
mike i think you need to get onto silviawa and ask around there
or go to bentley garage and speak to one of the fibreglass guys there cos they go drifting all the time...they will be able to help with locations
if your are a proper driver you will only need third party...haha...what happens if the car catches on fire?
anyways i agree if you are 17 and you think that 2K is too much then you are not the rich kid 17yr old that can afford to drive this car at that age...if you want to lose all of your life working harder than ever to get enough money to maintain and fuel the car as well as insure it.then be my guest...but there are plenty of cars to learn to drive well in before stepping to a skyline and also before being able to afford it..or at least have a job that makes it easy to maintain the car
I will take whichever is better in your opinion out of JDM insider drifting and Best motoring drift bible... for watchability and WOW factor
PM me