aaah tim...dude i feel for you man, you are so gentle and peaceful. had i been there I would 2 things
A: probably in some twisted 3 some relationship with you and your girl
and B: gotten out and pretended to be the big pahat crazy mauri guy I am not and cracked some heads, or at least in skyline terms i woulda dented a few panels and broken some glass cos that aint easy stuff to replace and the headlights, hehe
anyways it sucks that this happened especially with the GF right there and them yelling stuff at her. And yes I agree that at least one of those knobs is on this forum or at least knows the retard that this is referring to.....
2 more things, if this retard is on here then he should apologise on this thread and then I can take back my name calling. and yes you should drag down the quarter once your car isnt sick. nah pHUCK it drag while it is sick, then he can gloat he beat you and then we can beat him up
"you messin with da whole family"