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Everything posted by JCMarshall_Law

  1. Wow, my X-force turbo back cost me $650 fitted myself. From the cat back they are not any worse from a performance point of view but the big name brand cats and dump pipes are usually (but not always) better. I would like to replace my dump pipe with a proper CES split dump and "high flow" my current x-force cat. The rest if fine.
  2. I have to pike, bummer.
  3. Damm, I don't think channel 7 will do a better job, I liked the 10 commentators.
  4. 500hp, slicks, preped drag strip? Rev Limit launch, standard driveline = something broken. That is my "expert opinion".
  5. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19222311-29277,00.html
  6. Yeah count me in for whatever this is all about.
  7. Yeah I seen quite a few threads titled: "I water sprayed my engine bay now my car wont start...help" Be careful, dont just get a hose in there, do it with degreaser and wipe down with a cloth if you really have to.
  8. You will loose money if you buy the 33 then sell it a few months later to buy a 34. That 33 sounds like a good deal if it is in as good condition as you believe. Personally I just buy the 33. My advice, if you really want a 34, wait and just buy that, don't buy the 33 with the intent to sell it. If you want a car that goes well and looks good, buy the 33 and save the rest of the money. Good luck.
  9. Yeah I'll be there.
  10. Heard on the radio it was a bit of commet or something, wish I'd seen it.
  11. With the new national standard for vehicle modification all the satets should be the same. http://www.dotars.gov.au/transreg/vsb/vsb_..._downloads.aspx
  12. Cheers all, Pretty much as I expected. I'm not that keen to strip the interior (or remove rear seat) as it is still a pretty smick r33 as far as they go. I guess I'll have to look further into the reclinable bucket seats. Bride make some nice ones, the only problem is the price ~ $1500 USD http://www.i-m-racing.com/brlowmaxgise.html, where as you can get a good quality fixed back Sparco seat for around $900 AUD http://cgi.ebay.com.au/SPARCO-CORSA-RACE-S...1QQcmdZViewItem. Cheers
  13. Go with one of GTRGeoff's Lock bars (from this forum). Better all round option. I did, never looked back.
  14. dim sim resources are depleting?
  15. Don't use DMD, they suck, I had a but of touch up work done and it had huge sanding marks in it, really amateur. If you want someone really good try Shipstone at newmarket, they will cost you a fortune (they do lots of porsches, mercs etc). But If you want someone who will do a pretty good job woth out costing the earth give PJ Murphys in the Valley a call, I was happy with work they have done for me.
  16. As I said in the PM, I will no longer be able to take the amp. Sorry to screw you around. So I guess that means its up for sale again. Free Bump.
  17. Cheers for that, Another reason I wanted the fixed back seat is so I can make up some custom fixed position mounts and get the seat as low as possible. The reason being I'm tall (6ft3) and My head touches the roof with the standard seat and a helmet fitted!!! Not all that safe. I could always make up custom mounts for the recliner I guess. Anyone have any idea on the origial questions?
  18. Out of an Evo by any chance...?
  19. These are up for sale again, they guy who was going to buy them never showed up...thanks. I forgot about them till now. Anyway, best offer over $60 by Monday next week (15-5-06) gets them. Cheers
  20. taking any offers over zero dollars - just needs to be gone
  21. Hey all, I'm looking at getting a good seat and harnesses for track work in my street registered R33. I'd really like to get a proper fixed back bucket seat but I've got a few concerns that I would like peoples opinions on: - Firstly, is this correct - they are illegal unless the rear seats are removed and the installation engineered??? - Is there any way of getting one approved if I don't remove the rear seats. I'm just looking at replacing the drivers seat. - If you do have fixed back seats and they are not approved how (or do) you get away with it? - Are they a real pain in the ass to have on a street driven car - ie; hard to get in and out and are they uncomfortable for long drives? - Is there any other options for fitting a seat good for track work? Cheers
  22. Shotgun the amp. What do you mean "different chassis"? how old is it? PM sent
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