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Everything posted by JCMarshall_Law

  1. I know the problem... The HICAS is still installed. Get one of GTRGeoff's lock bars and get rid of it, the lock bar was the best $150 I've spent on my car.
  2. Yeah good to meet a few more of the people on the forums. Sorry to the cars that followed me through the city... I was heading home... I guess not everyone heard me when I said I'd pull off at the city. So I've finally been convinced to become a financial member, I'll PM you SMR33.
  3. Cheers all, I'll check both those out and I'll let you know how it goes.
  4. About 8:30 - 9, I should be there, someone come over and say g'day, I'll be in a black 33GTST
  5. Don't know a name do you?
  6. Hey all, Anyone know where to get rims resprayed in Brisbane? Will any pannel beater / painter be able to do the job or is there something special about the coatings? At the last track day I had an incident with a gravel trap now the rims on the left side don't look so smick - looks like someone has thrown about a million little pebbles at them so there is heaps of little scratches. The picture attached is what they looked like before the track day. Any help is greatly appreciated. Patrick
  7. I've been following your thread on the build up for quite a while. I'm excited that it is finally about to be out there... I can't imagine how your feeling now. Good luck with it.
  8. Were you selling this car a while ago? What made you change your mind?
  9. Damm... and I was happy with my 1:10.68 on the clubman.
  10. Hey, I got some interesting news from a few ex FSAE mates, apparently Boeing and some other aircraft manufacturer are buying up the worlds supply of carbon fibre. The new planes have a ship load of carbon in them. So all the smaller suppliers (eg CG composites) are having a lot of trouble getting anything and prices are skyrocketing. I used to buy plain weave, 120g/m2 (I think???) carbon for $26/m now we are talking over $50/m. So all of a sudden carbon work is looking very expensive again. As someone said, use epoxy based resin, no point using poly resin with carbon, might as well use fibreglass if you skimp on the resin. The other thing I found is that generally carbon is easier to use than fibreglass (depends on type of weave though) because carbon more easily moulds around corners. yug_r34, yes I would be interested in working on CF tail shafts, that is something I did not actually think of branching into. I'll send a PM.
  11. Go for the Goodyear Eagle F1's they are relativly cheap, I got mine for $210 each fitted and balanced 235/45/17 (RRP $275 - just ring around till you get a good price). They grip well in the dry, very well in the rain, excellent wear for a reasonably soft street tyre. Only problem they are not great on the track (especially a dry track) because the tread rolls too much, just take a look at the pattern to work out why - although they are better than similar swept profile treads because the tread is joined in the middle (again look at the tread to see what I mean). Oh, and BTW, it is worth reading through all 11 pages of that tyre rating thread. Don't be lazy.
  12. It is really not hard to do wet layup carbon work, I've made quite a bit of carbon fibre bodywork, mostly when I was in the Qni of QLD Formula SAE team. You have pretty much got the procedure right. Just take a look around the web. I'm currently making a set of carbon wheels (outters only) for a client, that is a bit more tricky and a LOT more expensive. basically the same layup procedure but everything is vacume bagged and cured in a special autoclave. CG composites in Eagle farm are good and will get most things, a couple of the V8 teams buy their carbon/kevlar from them. The carbon and resin for the wheels were supplied by the client but I'm pretty sure it came from the states and we are talking hundreds of $ per L for the resin.
  13. Not sure if this has already been posted but it looks like the National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification (NCOP) is in force. So print it out people and start contesting those defect notices. http://www.dotars.gov.au/transreg/vsb/vsb_ncop.aspx Cheers
  14. Why not, I piked on the last two:)
  15. Where are the updated times Paul - from the last track day? My old times are embarrassing
  16. Does it come with the hand controller?
  17. Before you ask that question you should ask these ones: 1) How do you use the forum search function? 2) How long is a piece of string?
  18. My last set were Nizmo and Im currently using Feredo's both were excellent pads but I think the Feredo's have a better pedal feel. Both where fine for street driving (cold) and track work (hot). The Nizmos lasted ages, even with some pretty spirited driving and a couple of track days! I'll be using the Feredos again, unless I decide to go to something even more expensive.
  19. Are all the rims straight (ie not buckled or out of round)?
  20. Damm... outbid
  21. Dude, you can buy them on this forum brand new with warranty and hand controller for $940. If it comes with the hand controller and your willing to ship it to Briz I'll take it for $650. (yes one sold for that much a couple of weeks ago, can't fint the thread though) PM me if interested otherwise good luck with the sale.
  22. Can I ask how muck "cheap as" is? They were 18" right ???
  23. Bendex Ultimates are nowhere near $170, I got a set for $100 in Briz but I did not use them (they are for sale $80) because they are not up to track work. I use Feredo's which are good and retail at around $220 for the front set. (I've got a 33 GTST)
  24. Yep, I just removed the HICAS fuse in the boot fuse box.
  25. Cheers mate, The brake fluid was only a week old as well so I did not suspect it could be water absorbed in the fluid. I think I'll be going with that plan I posted above. Cheers
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