I got a yellow for tint as well, I still reckon its a load of crap. The ppl who say not to whinge can get f&*ked! Its not like everyone has time to take their car to the pits and keep shelling out money to have it inspected. When I spoke to the pit inspectors even they said some cops hand out yellows for stupid reasons.
I get this problem as well. Ive changed the gearbox oil to Redline Lightweight Shockproof but it still happens from time to time. Has anyone figured out what causes the noise? The noise definitely comes out of the gearbox.
6.5 inch is fine for 225. The recommended width for 225 is 7 inch, this is coming from the tyre manufacturers themselves (Goodyear) and 6.5inch is within the range that they state. You know that 225's came on the stock 6.5inch rim from factory right? Also if you look up on Google about tyre and wheel widths there are some websites which tell you how to calculate the correct widths.
I found that Kmart Tyre & Auto were the cheapest for the Sport Maxx's here in Perth (even without the 15% off sale). However their fitting was pretty ordinary, they put dirty marks all over my wheels and didnt clean them off and also didnt put any tyre black on. I paid $203 for 225/50/16 and the best price I could find for T1R's in the same size was $190
Im not 100% sure but i think this is how it works-
So the difference in rolling diameter is only 0.5mm, practically the same.
I was also thinking of buying Toyo T1R's originally but apparently they have soft sidewalls. I searched about this and quite a few ppl seem to back this up. There was one website which had a photo of some T1R's with really hacked up sidewalls. Also some ppl on this forum say that u can really feel the Hicas working with these tyres but I think its just the sidewalls flexing. I ended up buying the Dunlops when Kmart had their 15% off everything sale so it worked out pretty close to what the Toyos were going for.
I thought it came with 205 on the front and 225 on the rear from factory. Ive got 225 all round on mine, fits fine on the rims. Apparently the recommended rim width for 225 is 7inch so 6.5 inch is fine
11 yrs old? thats nothing. i used to drive my 91 mazda 323 three speed auto from perth to kalgoorlie and had no problems (apart from it revving like mad all the way there).
Apparently most skylines (and most cars) pull to the left. Also if the road is angled towards the kerb the car will pull left. If u are really concerned about it u could get some offset castor bushes installed. This is what a suspension shop told me when i took my car there for the same issue.
Hey i just rang up the licensing centre regarding legal wheel widths and apparently theyre a bit flexible on the width just as long as the track distance doesnt change more than 25mm. So if i get some wheels with the same offset as the factory wheels my track distance should stay the same regardless of the wheel width, right?
Hey i have an Autometer Sport Comp boost guage and was wondering if its supposed to sit right on zero when the car is turned off. mine usually sits just below zero. is this normal or is my guage stuffed? i know that atmospheric pressure changes but would this affect it?
hey just wondering if anyone knows how your supposed to remove the cap off the clutch master cylinder? ive tried unscrewing it but it doesnt seem to wanna come off, i was gonna try and prise it off but my reservoir seems to be wobbling around a bit so i didnt want to use too much force
maybe im wrong, just thought i read it on a post here somewhere....id love to have this feature on my car though, i remember seeing my first skyline in a magazine as a kid and it was this feature that made me like skylines (pretty lame i know).