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admS15 last won the day on August 25 2024

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    S15, now R33 and M35

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  1. If you've got bucket loads of $. Go single. If not, just upgrade the twins, Garrett -9's or whatever the current equivalent is for a healthy 350awkw and leave it at that. Will probably still cost you 10k to do in this day and age.
  2. I'm late to the party on this one but good to see common sense has prevailed and the turbo kit is coming.
  3. She's looking good Greg. Colour suits it perfectly 👍
  4. MitsuDaSan
  5. Sorry Greg. FD is sex on wheels. LS fits in the bay nicely too.
  6. Pic of Nos, turbo kit and sequential not loading. 404 not found
  7. Welcome back
  8. Welcome back old new guy
  9. Sounds mint👍
  10. If anyone is chasing a gearbox in Victoria. There's brand new r34 rb25det gearboxes being advertised for $3200 pickup from Mornington Nissan. I posted the ad on a different thread a while ago. Still see the same ad up.
  11. It might have to do with the fact that the skyline shed dude has a habit of dragging people's business names through the mud on Fakebook. Sometimes rightly and wrongly. Possibly someone is seeking retribution by creating this fake skyline shed site.
  12. I'll go with the consensus. No comp test it is and add all the boosts..
  13. Might just do that. Be good to get a baseline and see how the new bearings are wearing. I probably should do a compression test, to see if my honing skills where up to the task or maybe it's better if I don't know, lol.
  14. Haven't done much with this, other than drive once a fortnight. I did drive it every day last week as it was the end of the club reg year and there was plenty of available days left over. Felt good actually using it and giving it a bit of a thrash. I did confirm the timing a while back, was just under 16° retarded it back to just under 15°. Clocked up around 2500km now. It's been running on the good ol Castrol edge 10w-60. Should probably change it soon as I've not done many long trips and there's probably a fair bit of e85 dilution happening. In other news got my 'rare' light up garnish working again. Was just a questionable crimp on 1 of the wires. Wire was barely hanging on to the terminal and fell off when I knocked it recently. Re crimped it and it's lighting up like a champ again.
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