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Everything posted by Boostn247

  1. I was going to be racing 2RISMO Up until yesterday arvo, I found out why my cars been farked up! CRANK ANGLE SENSOR has gone, so im after a new one! What a Bitch!
  2. Hi, If anyone has a working Crank Angle Sensor to suit 97 model RB25DET Series 1 Motor, PLS PM ME! Im in NSW... Tell me a price & we can negotiate a cash price straight away..Or if you no someone to call whether be someone on these forums or a wrecker, let me know!
  3. mines still bolted to my r33 gts t but selling it when someone wants it! $400 & ill post it to ya!
  4. My paint job hasnt changed since the day i sprayed it....like 3 months ago! The heat under the bonnet hasnt affected it what so- ever, & how often do you use metho or some other type of harsh solvent in the engine bay anyways for it to come off?
  5. this is right! i actually went to my local hobby shop, i bought the TAMIYA remoite control car paint, it sprays out finer than any other paints i have used, & the colour choice is massive! then get a clear gloss from the tamiya range, spray it about 7 times or until your happy with the glossy shine, & let it dry about 1/2hr between coats for an unreal finish!
  6. Hey Mick, Boostn here, Has the car been kicked over yet, is it runnin? When you coming up to NSW, i wanna give ya a run! hehehe
  7. Go to your local hardware store.. *ask for wet & dry sandpaper * get a course sandpaper firstly, like a 400-800, you choose, then go down to a real smooth 120 or something, then buff with auto sol!
  8. Hey, If anyone has a rb25det thats sitting round, BLOWN UP....Screwed in some way & you wanna get rid of it PM ME, & give my a price in cash you want for it, im keen to get one asap! Cheers...
  9. Ill be there this saturday! My first time as well! Cant wait! ill also post pics! HAVE FUN!
  10. Im after the Ignition Pack that sits above the Coil Packs on the RB25DET series One motor! It has 2 plugs on either side of it & gets screwed down onto 4 posts.. Pls PM me if you have one & the money amt you want for it, thanks.!
  11. i dont really want to go back to bare metal! i just want the easiest, cleanest way of giving my car a new repsray in vx commodore panther mica black...
  12. ZAHOS Your a champ...I ll follow your instructions , sounds very good!~ My neighbour is a tradesman & has every tool under the son, & he lets me use anything! so im lucky there, & hes pretty cluey himself! im getting started with the car this weekend, ill take pics & post them up too..cheers!
  13. A car mate of mine said, saving me sanding back my car in the garage & my place getting dust in my lungs & practically everywhere, he said to use ordinary Paint stripper, then use those "Bog filler spatulas" to scrape off the paint from my car to the bare metal, then sand it back lightly so you see the steel, then use bog where its necessary, Is this ok to do & easy, or what you guys reckon
  14. This car is awesome , goes hard, Looked after very well! Whoever buys this car won't be let done!
  15. Very keen on rb25det manifold./... Pics pls too [email protected]
  16. Id like to know this too! Is it direct bolt onto stock rb25det manifold..if so very interested, pics too [email protected] ill talk more thru email!
  17. If you want a really nice finish on sprayin your interior plastics a different colour, give this a go! I did mine a mth back or so in silver, looks professional & hot as! I used TAMIYA hobby Remote Control Paint, excellent colours & the spray of the paint comes out beautiful, no drips, patches or anything!~ *1 - Choose the colour you wish to spray your interior with from the Tamiya Spray Colour RANGE, THEN GET A CAN OF clear glOSS.....spray the plastic 3-4 times, every half hr....then hit it with the clear gloss 3-4 times, the next day, let it all dry, & it comes up like a 2 pac spray job! it looks great!
  18. Yepo, this happened to me only 3 weeks ago.. Took car to mechanic, 2 things were wrong.. 1) I had a tiny slit in the rubber connect hose from clutch cylinder to master cylinder pipe..that needed replacing $15....(situated under car, under drivers seat) 2)the actual steel pipe that holds the clutch fluid from master cylinder (under the hood) down along firewall to the slave cylinder, under the car was not in the master cylinder far enought therefore, air was getting in under pressure, therefore clutch went floppy...
  19. South Coast 4WD are running a Dyno shoot out on Sunday the 13th of March. If you would like to enter your car in the dyno shoot out it will cost you $50 which is paid on the day. For your entry fee you will receive 3 power runs and a print out, there will be no tuning on the day. If you are interested in coming but would like some more information you can contact Jason on 42271900. South Coast 4WD centre is located at 114 Montague St, Fairy Meadow ..Get in quick because there will only be 30 cars dynoed on the day!
  20. Damn nice! No wonder there cars cost so much! Quality mate, Quality!
  21. No 5hit! I seen this guy out my way heaps , even last night, pulled up next to him @ the servo... & u would never think his car is tts? is it.. i was going to talk to him, but he looked real cranky or grumpy, plus he was leaving anyways, maybe next time.. i was in my commo, but few weeks ago, i tried giving him a run, & nothin, i just left him! ? He gave it a bit, but nothing noticeable, & quiet as a mouse!
  22. http://forums.vwvortex.com/zerothread?id=1837641
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