Poor Hicks just spent money on a new turbo, he should have checked the condition of the engine first, I'm sure it was stuffed before they tried pushing it.
Aidwin, I think they would try and shave my back if they did:p
Hi Rob, Yeah, he got it back, but he has a broken ring-land, the poor boy doesn't have much luck:(
There has been a lot of Skylines imported in Oz, but recently that has dried up due to the new RAWS rules, I don't think that the prices will drop too much more until the next lot of cars start coming in.
Niz, Damn, can't you find anything better:rolleyes:
I've sent a PM to Josh to see if he can give us any suggestions about forming a Club, I think SilviaWA have the right sort of club, except they drive silvias:bahaha: