Danny, No worries mate, it was a stressful time for all of us, and it was nice to be able to support each other:D I really needed that hug after my dyno run;)
Al, It's been a while since our last cruise, and in general the weather is pretty good these days:D Thinking of combining it with a photoshoot aswell:D
Thanks Josh, I already congratulated SilviaWA in another thread, so you'll need to look for it:D
We really enjoyed the show, although it was alot of hard work, and we're looking forward to next year:D
Brett and PhatBeatz, If the other guys don't sort something out by the weekend then I'm more than happy to sell them to you.
We changed the prize from a t-shirt to a R34 GTR block mount poster.
Psiker, Just make sure you don't take speedo readings too seriously. If you find a car that your mate really likes, get a leakdown test performed before you buy it:D