Al, We're trying to win best club, if we don't have anyone to enter SPL then we may not look like we participating in everything. It doesn't really matter how we do in each section, it's more the fact that we compete.
gansianz, It's all fairly easy stuff to do. The EBC and TT will be spliced into the wiring harness, so you'll need to cut off the splice and tape up the connection.
If you need a hand doing it then give me a PM.
Definately do the dump pipe first, will make a big difference and will increase boost. I'd go for a full-computer if your ever planning on changing the turbo etc.
I run a Wolf and it's very good, but PowerFC's are ok aswell.
Cam, It's not how flash the thing looks, it's how loud the damn thing is:D So people bring stripped out mini's with 20" subs, even yours will look good compared to that:p
Danny, I think Al managed to cover most things, I replied in the PAS thread:D
Hi Danny, We'll have another meeting at the PAS dyno day on the 5th. Flyers have been sorted, hopefully we have a banner coming, t-shirts are being sorted. The theme is a racing one. We sorting out PS2's and a competition, and we hope to have a DVD with footage from club activities:D
Gradenko, Yeah, I want to put some times down soon, but PAS is taking up alot of my time at the moment:D I have a 2-way mechanical diff I want to put in before I go to the drags aswell:D
Gradenko, I hope you do it:D Don't know about the condition of the track at the moment, Sunday's keep getting washed out, but Wednesday's start in October:D