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Everything posted by JD_R33

  1. Princess Mary of Dapto - Hot or Not?
  2. So it was the Knock Sensor killing it?
  3. Thanks SK, that's a relief. Just out of interest - how high could the boost go theoretically before the ECU did it's thing?
  4. Out of curiosity I picked up one of these kits and spent some time examining the components. The kit is a fairly straightforward design, and as has already been mentioned it should do a pretty good job of controlling boost once set up properly. The problem that I have with it is this - what happens if something goes wrong with the controller unit and it stops producing an output signal? The components aren't exactly high grade, and all it would take is a failing resistor or even a dodgy solder joint and the normally closed solenoid would stay closed, thus allowing the boost to climb and climb. I know this would be reflected on the boost gauge, but I must admit that I don't spend all my time watching the boost gauge especially when driving hard. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'll certainly be looking at other installation options - maybe making some changes to the ciruitry and using a normally open solenoid (although that has it's own problems) as a fail safe mechanism.
  5. If it's anything like the GTS-T there should be a small pipe coming out of the back of the intake manifold, pointing back towards the firewall. It might be surrounded by some of the other junk that attaches to the manifold, so a bit harder to spot. There was actually a picture of it in a thread I was reading the other day, but buggered if I can find it now.
  6. Not crusty porridge is it?
  7. oooo, so much material here, where to start? got box? got Datsun? jks, jks, jks......
  8. Or I hear she is often seen hanging around outside the Flannelette shop in the main street :wassup:
  9. Yeah no worries, but I think you'll have to go second after Sinista :love:
  10. Yeah, got some pics of her naked on the beach, but Greenpeace own the copyright so I can't post em..... You'll just have to use your imagination :aroused:
  11. Hello my name is Vicky and this is my homepage and yeah but no but there's this whole fing called the internet which we're on right now! and it's full of fings about stuff and Penny said that I was on this fing on telly called Little Britain but Latisha said that Sameena said she let Kevin have a go on her baps for a finger of fudge so don't believe a fing she says anyway I've found some fings that I like and some other stuff like that so here are some of them fings for you to look @ That picture is my crew Destiny, Jerome, Tony, Rochelle, Darren and Kevin. Rochelle's cousin Jade took this photo with the disposable camera that Destiny stole from Boots by stuffing it in my blingin new Burberry handbag when I was stuffing lipsticks down my tights but I wasn't even there so no I don't know nothin about it. Shut up! And anyway Rochelle isn't not even talking to Rochelle since she gave Tony the last bit of her stuffed crust under the table in Pizza Hut and anyway their food's rubbish and I wasn't even there anyway. When we're not at school which is all the time actually cos it's rubbish! we go 2 the shopping centre in town and look @ fings then nick them and Meredith reckoned she nicked a whole rack of scrunchies out of Accesorize but don't listen to her cos she's got webbed toes. My favourite place to go is the bookshop cos they have these big red sofas right but if you don't buy nothing and just look at the sex books and make loads of noise they throw you out which is rubbish cos I've already had 2 babies and need to learn how not 2 get pregnant like by standing up or something or bathing in fizzy drink right after like Meredith did but that didn't work and she's had twins and called them Chelsea and Peckham. I got this gorgeous Westlife hoodie off Shelley but she's a slag anyway but oh my god! she actually paid real money for it cos she got it off the internet and it's dead hard 2 nick things off here and I know cos I tried it. My auntie Su got me some more gold chains from Argos off the internet which was great cos she's normally in pantomimes like for the whole year! and forgets all about it but she got me 3 of them which was good cos I've only got 2 already and you know you got 2 have at least 5 on at once or you're so uncool!
  12. Princess Vicky of Queanbeyan - Hot or Not?
  13. Pretty sure it will be stock size, I'll let you know when I pick it up, hopefully later today.
  14. She'd have to ask me twice........to get off...... Still, better than say..... THIS!!
  15. Thanks for the advice guys. In the end I decided to just replace the whole thing, so I wouldn't have to worry about it again for a long time hopefully. Ordered a new rad from Kool Kore at Fistwick today, should be here tomorrow - cost was just under $400 if anybody is looking to do the same. Add that to the $300 I just spent on the brakes and another $130 or so on kits from Jaycar and it's been a big week. These damn cars are almost as expensive as spouses
  16. Just wondering if anybody has had their radiator done locally, either repaired or replaced, and can recommend a place? Somewhere close to the city preferably. Also, does anyone know if the top plastic tank can be replaced, or if the whole rad has to be done? I managed to snap the top pipe in half just pulling off the hose , but the core and everything else appears to be ok. Oh, and it's an R33 GTS-T if that makes any difference..... Any help would be much appreciated.
  17. Ever lived in Canberra???? :ufo:
  18. Hay, us queenslanders is a bit sloooooow ya know...
  19. Yeah, i'm getting homesick too now. Be back up there for my bros wedding in May, always like to have a drive around and see what's new, or even better still what's the same. If you guys have older brothers (or sisters :wassup: ), good chance I probly knew them. But hey, if you're around 19 more likely I maybe knew your parents. Well, it used to be a pretty small place.....seems a bit bigger and lot less friendly these days.
  20. Isn't that the warp speed defribulator? Well, it is on mine......... :wassup:
  21. If you want to have a go yourself with one of the $30 buffing wheel jobs, try starting with something simple like your radiator cap (if you haven't already bought a bling one). Just peel off the sticker and experiment with the different buffing compounds and wheels until you get the hang of it. Sooner or later you'll end up with a cap that shines like it's been chromed, then you'll be lookin for the next thing to polish. Oh, and the cheapy kits usually come with two different colour compound sticks - make sure you remember which is which (like write it down or keep the cardboard it came in). If you don't have a bench mounted wheel, just stick the buff wheel in a drill, clamp it in a vice and lock the trigger on - much easier to hold the buffee than the buffer. Good luck dudes.....
  22. I lived just a bit further back towards town in Greatheads road, which runs off Elliott Hds road. The cops got us all on Chards rd one night and took all our car keys and drove right up the far end near Langbeckers rd and threw them out the window, told us we had to all walk up and get them. Pr1cks. There used to be two coppers called Finlay and Sullivan that everyone hated, they loved writing us tickets.... Don't think I would have set fire to your bin, not in your lifetime anyway.....
  23. I grew up in bundy too, lived out Kepnock way close enough to Chards road to be able to hear the drags lying in bed. Don't spose any of you boys remember what the main street was like before they put in that stupid mall? Easily the best main drag anywhere in Oz, lucky if you could get a spot in the centre parks on a Friday night, everyone cruising laps after Krystals closed, then out to some dark road in the cane fields for a bit of 1/4 mile action. Remember being way out on the highway halfway to Childers late one night, must have been 100+ cars parked all round a rest area and white lines spraypainted on the highway for start/finish lines. This family in a campervan pulls into the rest area, look at us as if to say WTF and scarpers. Go the Bundy hoons..... :headbang:
  24. The tool you need is called an Oxygen Sensor socket - it is basically a long socket with a split down the side. The split allows you to slide the socket over the wiring and down onto the sensor. Make sure you get the right size - they usually come in 17mm or 21mm sizes, but I have seen some that were 7/8 inch. Any place that sells decent automotive tools (i.e. not Autobarn, Super Cheap) should have these in stock, and if you ask nicely they should let you try it for size on your sensor before you buy it. Then you can lend it to all your mates for beers... Around about the $40 mark I think..... Go the mighty O2 sensors :headbang:
  25. umm...weren't there only 6 episodes in series 2 and 8 in series 1? Or is episode 9 actually series 2, episode 1? me confused...... Anyways, i sadly don't have ADSL outside of work and by the time i downloaded the torrents over dial-up they would have already been on tv forty times
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