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    nissan skyline r34

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  1. It is michellen pilot i think so unless get race tyres they ok
  2. Bloody fun and scary to drive with traction off . Almost 99.9% of times no traction in first and second gear when you put your foot down so makes driving challenging and keep you on the edge with traction off
  3. Mine is 45 at rear with 19x9.5 and seems fine at front it does scrub with 19x8.5 40 it is judd t311
  4. did buy an m5 and love it . it was too much hassle with current life commitments to mess around with it m5 is absolute animal so skyline is going back to garage for a while and start work in a year or so . thanks for your help all , really appreciate it
  5. It was a damages seal and seller said it might have been damaged when he has pushed it in Would you shell out£200 for set of brembo seals or get them off ebay? He swears by brake international and it is way cheaper£60
  6. I have already but need the car back on road and nothing is going to happen in these few days before new year I think he has used general seal kit and not brembo I think the issue was he had not put the seals in correctly so will give it a go
  7. did you ever have any issues with this ? i think i need to get pair of these for front now i am based in the uk so not cheap for me to buy this
  8. will do in the morning. 6 hours to sleep and start over again another issue was the bolts supplied by alpha omega were screwing in quite tight in one caliper only i did re seat it few times to ensure it is not going in at angle but still was tight. so having worked 11 hours, I was pretty annoyed and did screw it in all the way. they did torque up and did not damage internal thread but apart from one area of the bolt which has part of the caliper threar on it i think they do both torque up with no issues, would you re thread?
  9. I bought rebuild calipers from someone in the uk Would you just pull all seals out , apply fluid and have another go or change all seals? They are all brand new but not sure what brand the seller has used He also had applied significant amount of grease (red) to back of the piston which reading around some people do it and it is apparently compatible with break fluid but i don't like it as that will get mixed in the fluid
  10. Would you just pop the seal back in and install it again. It could be it was too cold or not properly inserted Or would you buy new seals? It had tones of grease at back of the piston Is this how they rebuild?
  11. It was the bloody piston dust cover or seal Do you think they have used cheap material?
  12. It is freezing cold here and after almost 10 hours of work on various bits, the f**king caliper is leaking I can't work out from where though. It is dripping down as per the pic I have asked someone to come and press pedal so i can try and work out where it is Anyone with similar experience? What did you do? It is 8:30 pm with ice on the grass I don't know how i am still alive
  13. Does this brake line routing look ok to you? Not sure how else to route it
  14. Agree as they didn't force me to buy it but their wording doesn't say it will fit skyline considering this is for skyline Having said above , it could be due to the reason GTSboy explained which I have understood partly and flagged it for further research
  15. I did buy the cables They only had 60mm in stock and as i have the car in pieces i did buy it I guess i need an isolator switch and a fuse rated at 300 amp or something Here is how I am planning to cable it please let me know if you spot any issues Existing positive joined at front to the new cable using joint box(300 amp) This cable will then run all the way back to rear through firewall It will then have a isolator and then a fuse before connecting to the battery positive lead Negative lead then goes from Negative direct to chasiss so I don't need to run it back to front Interesting question is, when you look at the cable that is bulky and plugged into terminal, where is it coming from? Is it from alternator and starter? If yes then how is it fed to rest of machine for things such as lights
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