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  • Birthday 10/03/1983

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  1. Wow, Lol the lack of thinking of some people these days..it scares me! And to think he is behind the wheel of a car aswell! CP Pistons are shit? Crap i better go let a rb30/26 owner know that his 1154rwhp engine has crap pistons in it Same goes for a bunch of well known GTR's and i should also call Titan and let them know that all there 2000hp supra race engines are shit aswell Lol next thing you know, someone will tell me that HKS and Jun are made in Taiwan, If you have a 1500hp engine goal, you don't use a set of forged pistons designed for a 800hp engine. You get a set of pistons made to suit that application so you get the absolute best out of your engine combination and the pistons. You open yourself up to various materials, Billet pistons, lightened pistons, thicker pin bosses, x-forgings, lateral gas ports, anti detonation grooves, anodizing ring grooves, skirts coatings, custom ring sets theres so much that can be done to a set of pistons. P.S: Nitto is a great brand and has some quality products! Trent wouldn't sell and promote a product if it couldn't live up to his expectations. Cheers Pete
  2. He has about 0 chance of getting his money back from yourself and getting your mechanic to fix the problem. A RWC is very very limited in what you need to check for. Brake pads only have to have X amount of thickness, same for rotors etc. Oil leaks cannot be visible at time of inspection (do you know how easy it is to degrease & Wash engine, get inspected and pass) And the RWC Inspector cannot fail the vehicle, same for rust, paint over or bog rust and it cannot be failed (It must be visable) I would never trust a roadworthy it says nothing about a vehicles condition other then it meets the minimum requirements which is very minimal! I used to work for a major company doing roadworthies and its scary what can get through if you go by the book! We used to make people fix dodgy items that had tried to be hidden for the inspection etc... As it's more of your reputation you are protecting, not a legal issue. Only times i have seen a company get done for a dodgy roadworthy, was a car was passed with visible rust in the chassis and rotors no thicker then a pencil. And issues that couldn't of been changed or altered. Hell the car could have a leaking head gasket and still pass roadworthy! Most inspectors will turn around and say (especially months later) that the vehicle wasn't in that condition when inspected and then it must be proven it was which is bloody impossible for oil leaks or electrical failures, mechanical failures etc My rule of thumb was always get a vehicle inspected by a performance workshop or trusted mechanic (Comp test and leak down tests are a must) Cheers BOOSTA
  3. Hey Martin, Yeah we have been talking with darton alot... we will have a set very soon hopefully. We have 2-3weeks to get custom cp pistons & carrillo rods made. It will be a fun few weeks Cheers BOOSTA
  4. Is there any links, information about them? any technical specs? Any help is greatly appreciated? Thankyou BOOSTA (Peter)
  5. Need help very quickly... I have a client chasing aftermarket sleeves for a R35 GTR engine (VR38DETT) its for a R35 GTR race car with custom pistons and rods. Does anyone know who does them, as DARTON cant make sleeves for them until april If anyone knows who to contact overseas? as we need these desperately for a client? Thankyou BOOSTA (Peter)
  6. Lol... thankyou for the fix! Just to show i'm not joking... i found a R32 GTR Aussie Delivered for sale... R32 GTR Australian Delivered Note the $65'000 price tag
  7. Kujotk when you find a original aussie delivered R32 GTR in decent nick, for 20-25grand.... i'll turn into godzilla and start blowing flames out my ass. A genuine R32 GTR aussie delivered is about the $50k mark as the last one I saw was $48'000.00 They are quite rare not many delivered and yes plenty of people pay that money for them!..... Please don't tell me you think a Bathurst R32 GTR is cheap.... you will not get any change from $500'000 and thats a fact, thats if u could even buy one! One of the original R31 GTSR's that raced at Bathurst etc is for sale for $210'000 at the moment. And yes people also pay that price aswell! The R35 GTR is a supercar and is also right to have the awards it has acclaimed. Sure nissan could of gone crazy but don't forget it must find a happy medium for alot of drivers. It costs half what a porsche or lamborghini costs and not only holds it's own but flips the opposition the bird aswell. Anyone who owns a supercar is after a certain type of vehicle, ferrari owners love the association, lamborghini owners love the passion, etc etc Not everyone is suited to a R35 GTR, but not everyone is supposed to be! Thats the whole point.... its exclusive, it can be a right pain in the ass, they cost more to look after then ur house! I'm sorry but its not a R34 GTR and never will be, this skyline is in a new league and many many professional car critics and journalists agree. You may not like the way it has got there and may not like the lines etc etc, but its numbers and times speak for itself Everyone has a opinion about cars sure... but the R35 GTR is a supercar and a pretty great first attempt at that! P.S it won't be long before manuals become extinct! *** Congrats on the purchase of such a awesome vehicle.... I have heard many great things about GT2's and never seen a dissapointed owner! ***
  8. Hmmm I'm glad that for a track day it will only cost me around $80 for fuel.... Think of the guys who are paying $280 odd dollars for 20litres of Roo 16 When you look at that price you start to think.... hmmm my car is cheap
  9. A HSV WH Grange with the 300kw engine has some ridiculous torque at around the 60-80kph speed... My dad has stomped on it moving onto a highway onramp, I got sucked back into the seat and saw 140kph very quickly! It just squats and takes off no traction issues at all! Its very quick from lights aswell.... at the time of production, although being the heaviest HSV it was also the 2nd quickest in the fleet, second only to the GTS The auto gearbox on the grange has alot to do with it tho.... especially quick with shifting through the gears very fast!
  10. Hey Guys, I work for the Australian distributor of CP Pistons... If anyone has any questions about CP Pistons.... let me know and i'll do my best to answer them! Cheers Peter
  11. I work for someone who sells both balancers.... I have seen both balancers countless times and I would have to say ATI is the better finished / made balancer, it looks and feels like a much better quality balancer! Ati have the ability to tune one of there balancers to suit your needs There are different grades of elasotmer material ATI will use on the balancer depending on the application or engine speeds. you can call them and figure out which one suits your needs. Plus.... I haven't seen any Ati balancers come apart yet! This is one place where the saying is true.... you pay for what you get! Theres a big reason every NASCAR team uses a Ati balancer for there engines and its got nothing to do with sponsorship deals or pricing. They all pay for the Ati dampers in the engines and use them because they last and handle high RPM and HP Cheers BOOSTA
  12. I have a small sleeper at the moment... Its a 1996 Mitsubishi Lancer Ce Coupe with a Evo 5 or 6? engine and gearbox in it.... It has a small style lukey muffer at the rear (std style tip) Front mount (Black painted) is small and it sits behind the std front bar easily.. It looks very standard and only has 15" rims... Its a load of fun in the dry except for in the WET! then its scary and no fun at all.. The look you get from a v8 owner when you not only keep up with him but let him here the external gate going off as you start to pull away!
  13. Hey Guys, Thankyou for the help and tons of information... The only thing bothering me about the RB25det swap is what needs to be done to get it all working... Custom tailshaft? Custom speedo sensor? What else does need to be swapped? I will be doing all the work myself as time isn't a problem at the moment! Cheers BOOSTA (Pete)
  14. Hey Col... Thankyou for the reply! I shall give asian auto spares a call and find out what they can do. Thanks BOOSTA (Pete)
  15. Hey Everyone, I know topics like this have been asked and I have searched but after personal experiences... I am really stuck as to what company to use for getting a good condition low/k front cut or just engine for my car! I have a Nissan Skyline R32 GTST (1989) RB20DET (Silvertop) I would like to know who has actually used a 2nd hand Low'k Engine from a wrecker/reco place? What company did you use? How was the company to deal with? Did the engine come with a compression/leak down test? What was the condition of the engine/front cut? clean?, any aftermarket parts? Is your engine still going, and had any drama's? I will be buying a new water pump, timing belt, possible gasket kit... Any help would be greatly appreciated Thankyou Peter (BOOSTA)
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