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Everything posted by dan_the_man

  1. hahaha he'll love us for that
  2. he's changed his username now.... he'll always be ush ush bugush to us though
  3. hahaha see u soon snooks
  4. not on tuesdays u kno what happens tuesdays kym
  5. the police are reading
  6. Magna?? but but.... only weirdos drive them hey alpha! jks
  7. Yea have seen those turbo patrol cars before. Wonder if they got the brakes upgraded too?
  8. she would have ways of bribing you
  9. lol GTFO
  10. hahaha man the last one was a mess
  11. mt lawley is nice?
  12. lol he'll make a fine moderator fasten ur seat belts
  13. lol ok bak on topic
  14. No a good radar detector will pick up mulitnovas from a distance back. We had a remote one installed in an r33 and It always picked up the multinovas with plenty of time. On the Ka Band This is the one we were using http://www.dontgetcaught.com.au/ProductDet...nstalled-System
  15. I've never seen an eskimo before so they cant exist or maybe I havent been around enough
  16. alpha anyone?
  17. yeah I've seen them using this in the hills before.
  18. lol dickhead
  19. lol they needed to make their money back on the poly farmer tunnel some how... no one wanted a toll booth so the other option was low speed limits and multinovas
  20. lol i thought he was talking about a tripod mounted radar mate like the ones u see the cops using themselves. not mulitnovas. because he said a cop was setting it up. You dont usually see cops operating mulitnovas anymore
  21. they usually use lasers now instead of radar guns
  22. oh man come on guys. I'm waiting for keefy to read this. His car is at my place. Its just a joke
  23. hey look lets keep it about the cruise n not go off topic. it gets annoying having to sift through numerous posts to find nothing
  24. yeah i heard it was a goer
  25. great thread. def read again
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