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Everything posted by dan_the_man

  1. thursday night? cant we do it 2am friday morning Dan - I got a pair for $40. bargain
  2. dan_the_man

    Wcc Cruise

    enough chat thanks.
  3. Can you leave your car there? Or do you need to just hand him the rims with no tires on them?
  4. yes please xtc
  5. i need some rims cleaned up. I'll give him a call thanks
  6. I'm going to get some of these. http://www.rebelsport.com.au/ecom/rebel/pr...726&cat=377 should do the trick for the cold mornings with my existing bike shorts
  7. I did not.
  8. maybe he's feeding the man that sits in the box taking photos.
  9. sent
  10. lol. i was riding to work. slowed down for a rest and so was moving at 17kph. this lady on a bike went WHOOOSH past me. she had massive muscular legs. i thought about trying to catch her but then i didn't. felt slightly emasculated
  11. it doesn't matter
  12. haha no
  13. yep. i'll send you the raw image whats ur email?
  14. and there you have it.
  15. yep. $1250 is a good price. what is the excess?
  16. Can you do it for me? I just ran I through lightroom?
  17. Photo I took whilst on holiday down south
  18. sexy sexy
  19. hahah the first day i got clip in's, i fell off in front of cars at the lights. they were ridiculous. i started getting anxious when i had to stop cause i was worried i wouldnt get the shoes out of the clips quick enough. i dont use them anymore. i still get shakey thinking about it
  20. I thought he used a skyhook mind=blown
  21. yea I'm f**king sick of how good they are.
  22. 75,000 road deaths in China in 2008 (from memory). scary
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