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Everything posted by dan_the_man

  1. good phone pic mate! https://www.facebook.com/danbrady.co?ref=hl
  2. Thank you! and yes
  3. I look forward to it! Another recent one of mine https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1238858_371228986313568_2054922526_n.jpg
  4. Love the motion blur Josh! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=373445782758555&set=a.329271343842666.1073741833.250367651733036&type=1&theater
  5. Recent beauty shoot.
  6. The new sticks on the way from china land might fit. They're the length of a standard envelope
  7. I'd love to see you involved! You car type does not affect your maturity.
  8. Keep in mind that being a SAUWA committee member does not give you a moderator status. As a committee member you will be doing events for SAUWA, but you will not be moderating the forums. Only put your hand up if this suits you.
  9. about 12 months ago your statement was more correct. however, most of the mods drive skylines now.
  10. Perfect
  11. Commercial shoot for a local designer:
  12. Will chat to pauly. Would be a massive help
  13. also issues with memberships send me an email - dan@sauwa.com will fix them up for you
  14. flippin crud! Yes I'd love some help with social events and cruises.
  15. awesome!!!
  16. Used a single silver hard edge reflector. high left of camera. The bathroom provided fill light as the light reflected off the walls >)
  17. what kinda car is that matt? image from sunday
  18. Did you shoot in RAW? Just adjust the white balance if you did. Don't do artificial blur. ever
  19. No probs
  20. Car looks great. But (and i feel like an arse giving you two lots of negative feedback) - The focus filter you're applying. I have never ever seen it look good on anything. It just leaves me with a headache from my eyes trying to focus.
  21. 180fan good pic. Lower the ISO though. another recent pic
  22. Thanks Mat! Love that Paris pic!
  23. here is a BTS video of the shoot
  24. Thank you!
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