If you have any questions then please to do not hesitate to contact the SAUWA events co-ordinators dan_the_man or sneeza
Anyone is welcome to make their own cruise and advertise it on these forums. However, if you do there are few “design” guidelines that SAUWA would like you to use! Please note that any cruise event you make is YOUR cruise and is not associated in anyway with SAUWA the club.
1. Layout of the Map - Direction in CAPS, specify if its
lights/intersection etc ie
RIGHT at Warrick Rd Lights
LEFT at Princess Street T junction
STRAIGHT at round-a-bout.
Where possible – you 1.5 line spacing for ease of reading
2. Put in warnings of chicanes, speed humps, sharp bends etc
3. Attempt to avoid suburban streets (ie 50km/h zones)
4. Keep night cruises away from dangerous, dark windy roads (ie dam cruises). These roads are great for DAY cruises.
5. Always have at least one other meet point in a cruise for cars to catch up, girls to go to the toilet J etc
6. Ensure meet points have at least 2 entries/exits and plenty of parking
7. Make Start meet point time 30minutes before departure time.
8. Specify in the cruise thread any specifics that drivers will need (ie country cruise – full tank of fuel, BBQ tools, etc)
Remember that we are cruising as the club SAUWA – we are identifiable by club stickers on member’s cars. If you behave badly it reflects on the club badly and we aim to have a good reputation with the public and the police.
At every cruise there will be a nominated person. This person will liase with the police/security and other members of public, should the need arise at a cruise.
If you do not respect these rules or if a complaint is made, you may be asked to leave the cruise by the nominated person.
Read through Cruise map thoroughly and take note of warnings
You must have a valid license to drive in the cruise (NO L PLATES)
No burnouts on public roads
No burnouts at meet points
Obey all road rules
Do not tailgate other cars, maintain a safe distance at all times
No intimidating driving or blocking the path of other cars
Drive within your limits, your vehicles’ limit and the road conditions
Do not drink and drive
Arrive to cruise starting point ON TIME
Respect other peoples vehicles, it is a person’s pride and joy.
If you bring a friend (ie they are driving their own car) and they are not a member – either financial or forum – it is your responsibility to inform them of these rules
If you have a complaint about the behaviour of a driver on the cruise, please report this to the nominated person.