:headspin: SAUWA FIRST OFFICIAL CRUISE:headspin:
Sunday 1st of February 9.30am City West meet
Supa Yokel Country Cruise toYork
A Dyno Power run will be raffled off on the day - tickets $2 each or 3 for $5, Sold and Drawn on the day.
All money raised will go towards making SAUWA an official car club.
The dyno run, kindly donated by Steve from SST Automotives will be performed on SST's Accredited Shootout Dyno.
Steve has been a long supporter of the import car clubs such ourselves and we would like to thank him for his kind donation.
Support the businesses that support us!
08 9350 5444
Unit 9/138 Radium Street Welshpool
Dan & Liz
SAUWA Events Co-ordinators