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Everything posted by dan_the_man

  1. www.tnet.com.au/~dantheman/IMGP0455.AVI the dood has his shirt of cause he vomitted on it earlier. Just incase ur easily offended
  2. hahaha lee, I wouldnt usually do it the video is hilarious though!
  3. the good thing is we got it on video and its now on the net
  4. I shaved some doods head last night like just a patch when he was passed out. he woke up as i did it poor guy wasnt too impressed
  5. working... I have a terrible hang over
  6. aha thanx for that
  7. yeah jennay u crazy boi
  8. hahah ok cam
  9. go to hell paul yes cam u can use it. just dont ride round on it AGAIN!
  10. hey Paul hey cam
  11. hahaha lee boy is still here
  12. yeah I liked it. Althought that red headed kid was kinda creepy
  13. what u talking about mr d u best be watchin yaself kimberley
  14. hahaha some dood puked in my back yard
  15. hahahah look at arnold
  16. thanx for that adrian lee hahaha u too eh?
  17. My head hurts
  18. http://www.tnet.com.au/~dantheman/IMGP0455.AVI Opps Brendon got a haircut
  19. Nice one
  20. how much was the pump?
  21. ok I didnt need to know that last bit Are u happy with it?!! Have u driven it?
  22. I think "aye" is what kiwis say as in "thats choice aye bro" I'm right AYE
  23. is ur car finished niz???
  24. Oh sorry man. No can do
  25. jennay what?
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