As I am sure everybody in this tread is like me and is sick and tired of the brake squeal problem. I encountered this problem when I recently upgraded my r32 gts-t hardware to r33 gts-t hardware with racebrakes RB74, and DBA 4000 rotors. Every where I called said that it was normal for this brake setup to make “some noise”, some noise? For the people with the really bad squeals I feel for you as I had a really bad one too (about 95dB, and that’s a little noise). Now I decided to take things into my own hands to find that my problem was fixable. As chris32 has said everybody has a different setup and has the squeal for different reasons. If you want to fix this problem you have to understand it first. Jack the car up and undo 4 bolts, 2 clips and 2 screw type things, and have a look. What we need to do here is find some remedies to common problems.
- Have a look at the rotors are they really shinny (glassed), machine them.
- Is there dark spots on the rotors (heat spots) machine them.
- Is there cracks on the rotors (replace them)
- Have a look at the pad surface are they smooth (sand paper them, or replace)
- Are the pads worn unevenly (i.e. only some of the pistons working. rebuild)
- Are the pads gone (there sometimes is a metal wear indicator) replace
- Are the four shims in place (two solid, two with groves, if not put them in)
- Have you got some lubricant between the shims and the pads ($12 from super cheap)
- I am sure there are more that people can add
Now the first thing you will notice when you put a wheel brace near the rims is that they chime like bells. This is the reason why the squeal like a pig if there is any reason for them to. Once you have had a look report back to the forum with fixes and the hardware you have.
Car: r32 gts-t 4door
Rotors: dba 4963
Capilers: r33 gts-t stamped nissan
Pads: Racebrakes RB74
Problem: very very loud near stoped (>40km/h)
Fix: Installed the four shims that the shop took out, added dyna grip disc brake squeal free
Results: pedal seems the same if anything it is a little firmer, but same pressure results in a minor reduction in brakeing force (barely noticable). No noise