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    Ultima GTR

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  1. But it may be tax deductible as it's a charity auction. So they'd be saving up to 46.5% on the purchase which would then make it worth it.
  2. Just to make a point without going into too much detail. The above is simply a graph of "Total tax revenue as a percentage of GDP", it doesn't take into account economic structure, tax burden per capita (which is really the only relevant way to look at tax) and many other factors (productivity, wealth, standard of living, etc). You can have a highly resource rich country with a low population and high productivity workforce that can have a low tax revenue as % of GDP, but can still be taxed 90% of their earnings, making them very highly taxed individuals. I suggest you consider that regardless of Gillard or not, there is a shift occurring in the world at the moment which would have benefited Australia regardless. The world NEEDS more resources, the world NEEDS more food and we just happen to be in a lucky place to provide that (both geographically and by chance...eg what's in the ground). I believe any dipshit government could have done what government achieved financially... we've just been lucky. Look at every other policy / initiative / action, fails, fails, fails. I GUARANTEE to you that unemployment will rise in Australia soon and largely in part because of the Labor government. I can't wait for the NBN, it's going to make all my video chats / conference work with my outsourced international workers even clearer / easier. I might even consider hiring more people at 1/4 the cost of Australian labour.
  3. I am intending on painting my car in R35 gun metallic and was thinking to get the wheels done in black, specifically satin black. Does anyone have a photo of that color combo? Or anything close (full black wheels in either gloss, satin or matte) Also, what about pictures of the gun metallic in a matte finish? Cheers guys!
  4. If you go for a drive and want company (albeit not R35 but just putting it out there), I'm always keen
  5. Was good to get out on a Stagea cruise again (I was passenger in the green stag), its been a while for me We ended up hitting some rally roads around Lake Mountain / Marysville. We saw the Pursuit heading back up towards Lake when we were coming down. What happened there?
  6. hey man, might see you this sunday. I got a mate who really wants to go, I may passenger with him.
  7. May turn up to this. In case I forget about this thread, I'd appreciate if someone could PM me the details please
  8. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooort

  9. As long as the weather stays clear, I think I'll turn up too. Closer to 10:30 though, I'm keen for a drivveee.
  10. AlexCim

    Gtr $182,000?

    Yes, but now I am C63 driving Alex. lol
  11. AlexCim

    Gtr $182,000?

    Shit, reading this thread is kinda making me wanna sell my car and buy a GTR. Argh, if only I could get it up my drive way to the garage (Damn steep driveway!) Next year, next year when the new house is finished....
  12. MUZT3K - can you please PM your mobile number. I am going to be busy until about 9:30, but I might head down and if I decide to, i'll call you first and maybe meet you guys on the way, or something. Cheers
  13. was fun, might see you guys at the next one
  14. I'll try to come down after work, see if I can round up a few mates too.
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