Have had the old girl for 5 years now, and it's been the best car I have ever owned.... until.... If you started it cold, about 30 seconds into your drive it would start a rhythmic 'miss' between 1500 & 2000 rpm, if you could get her above 2000 it would stop missing. Once the car got to operating temp, you can turn the engine off, then back on and it will run like a dream!. although I have noticed the old smell of un- burnt fuel. Now we are closer to winter, in the mornings when you first start it up (to warm up the engine) it will surge up and down till it warms up. Now over the last 3 months I have spent around $1000 trying to sort this, the first computer diagnostic said front Cam sensor Done (no change) light came straight back on during cold missing, the next error that threw up was the rear Cam sensor... replaced... no change... next was the AFM .. no change..... too scared to see what comes up next... now a rattle has started to come from the engine when you put her underload, and sound like the timing is still off. Anyone been through this scenario? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!