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    Tauranga, New Zealand

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    R34 Gtt

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  1. I did this mod in 2019 You just have to modify the top bracket of the ABS/TC/Fuel Pump Control ECU so it sits more upright and closer to the back seat and run a good quality positive battery lead from the engine bay, the negative lead i just bolted down to the body in the boot.
  2. You may want to add another fool to your ignore list!
  3. Crank Motorsport sell replica GTR seats and the fabric looks oem.
  4. If you need instructions to do this after reading the whole thread you should not attempt this.
  5. 10K? Did you buy it off WhistlinDiesel?
  6. Americans, go to 7:17
  7. The interference fit probably prevents water ingress too, I've seen a few RB30 cranks with balancers and pulleys seized on. Most of us don't keep our cars outside these days so not prone to ingress.
  8. I can't see any brakes holding anywhere near 400nm+ of torque. I did mine on the engine stand with the flywheel locked. Look at the size of torque wrenches we are using to achieve that torque and go figure. I personally can't see how an interference fit between the balancer and shaft would help, the clamping force comes from the bolt and areas that it compresses, the woodruff keys are there just to align timing marks for the cam pulley and balancer at TDC.
  9. For example: line 22 drivers door switch signal. It is currently located at pin 2 on the brown TK20 plug of your non GTR. You remove it from there to pin 52 on the white TK20 plug of your non GTR. Clear as mud?
  10. That list of parts would suit a RB26 block with a rb25 crankshaft. Is your RB26 crank toast and they are using a RB25 one instead? SC7305 pistons would poke out the top of the block at TDC and not work with the RB26 crank.
  11. But you would need male and female connectors. I don't think these connectors are Nissan specific and could probably be sourced out of Japan. The likelihood of a company making this would be slim. There would not be enough demand to make it viable and with the Nismo 320km/hr clusters now out of production makes it even less viable.
  12. The difficult part would be finding the connectors. I have used this site before: https://www.hi-1000ec.com/ for other Nissan connectors, they may be able to help.
  13. Mine are fiberglass copies of stock GTR fenders. I forgot to mention that there are 2 pieces of liner per wheel arch and I used all GTR ones. The rear halves of liner fit without any cutting.
  14. I have GTR liners on my GTT. They can fit with a cutout to them like in the picture, because the wheel arches are different between the 2. All the mounting holes line up though.
  15. You can buy them on Aliexpress now so there are definitely fake ones out there: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000189070461.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2438460aKBBWHQ&algo_pvid=3ed8cc1a-15ce-4839-9ec4-2687c4f919e5&algo_exp_id=3ed8cc1a-15ce-4839-9ec4-2687c4f919e5-19 but as previously said: "who gives a shit it's just a key"
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