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Everything posted by deprived777

  1. That's probably it! So what does this mean? Lol
  2. i'll get that done in a few weeks. spent too much for now lol but i'll definitely get them cleaned and flow tested and ask for the report
  3. from memory im pretty sure 26 was on of the codes and 40 something. i'll check in the tomorrow morning though
  4. i was going to put the stock twin turbo setup on it to pass rego lol but yeah i know it would be tough to get rego'd. i doubt its been engineered .how can i check ? guy who had it before me had it on the road though. i was going to change the turbo eventually anyway.dont want one that big. would prefer a low mount single turbo if it will fit
  5. if you watch the first video, at the end when i hit fuel cut at around 2500rpm you'll see smoke. i cant tell what colour it is personally.looks white to me
  6. lmao i was thinking that too.really does sound like a lawn mower.it didnt sound like that in person though. it didnt sound all that bad in person once it was idling
  7. when i was cranking it i had to pump on the accelerator to get it started. not sure why, would that be lack of fuel pressure ? or clogged fuel filter ? im changing that and oil etc. tomorrow . probably still some old fuel in the tank too. it did blow a bit of white smoke but i could only see when my fiance video'd it. i did notice smoke when i looked behind me and revved it . cant rev it anymore due to stock ecu so cant do much till i get check the vipec ecu. really struggled to start that time.first time i started it wasnt as bad
  8. https://youtu.be/elKvHglxl0M https://youtu.be/1C1Fhzd_yAc
  9. uploading a video now.taking awhile. i took pic of it sitting at idle. it idled quite well, but when i put my foot on the accelerator slightly the revs would drop a bit and it didnt sound like it was enjoying it to much and hesitated but once revs got up over 2000rpm it wasnt too bad. i wouldnt call the engine running either..just started lol its something and better then it not starting i suppose
  10. all coils are working with the stock ecu. i didnt try start it with the vipec since i knew it was only sparking on 1 or 2 cylinders. i changed all the spark plugs after i did the compression tests too.
  11. I started the car again earlier to make a video. It wouldn't start unless I primed the fuel pump a couple of times. Not enough fuel pressure or something? Was getting a couple of little backfires whole idling too. Probably a bit of shitty fuel? I don't know my brain hurts from all of this lmao I'm putting the video on YouTube soon and I'll post the link
  12. Hrrm I'm not sure what to do now. And for parting it out. I wouldn't know what to put prices on everything and I can't be bothered taking it all apart either lol. Well I'll check the ecu tomorrow and take a pic and go from there.ill look into nistune too see how to see how much. I had my bluebird ecu nistuned. Don't remember it costing that much. I have a z32 afm if that's possible to use
  13. you're welcome... lol i talked to someone at vi-pec and this is the reply i got " Unfortunately I am going to be the bearer of bad news. There is almost a 100% chance the reverse voltage will have damaged the ECU. When this happen it often takes out the ignition drives and the Aux output drives often with extensive PCB damage. Best bet for a start will be to open the ECU and see how bad it looks. If the PCB has damage it could be a costly repair" so i guess i'll be opening up the ecu tomorrow and i'll take a photo and send it to him. but not liking my chances. sucks cause that's an exspensive ECU definitely cant afford a new one for awhile which sucks.
  14. ok thats what i figured. i cant really spend anymore money for a few weeks now. so i;ll google how to set up the vipec ecu. assuming its not damaged. it was giving 2 error codes last time i checked but they werent serious ones from what i remember.anyone have any links on how to set it up ? i could print screen my laptop while using the software and maybe someone will notice what wrong in the setup ?
  15. also when i reved to 2500rpm it pretty much stayed there. sounded like fuel cut or something. so im guessing thats from using stock ecu ? minds racing right now thinking what to do now lol
  16. good news !! i got it started !! although it ran rough. had to keep foot lightly on accelerator otherwise i recon it would of conked out.thing is loud as hell lol i couldnt rev it past 2500rpm (somewhere around that mark ) is that due to compression or using stock ecu with 800cc injectors and no afm,,or both lol im just happy i got it started.ill put more fuel in, i noticed the fuel light was still on when i started. for some reason fuel pump wasnt giving me a reading after putting fuel in and turning ignition on ( maybe from having it unplugged ? ) not really sure where to go from here
  17. yeah i think i;ll do the oil in the spark plug test and see if it raises.if not then i;ll look into maybe getting head gasket. if it does rise after putting oil in the hole what would i be looking to do next ? throw it out ? lol
  18. yeah i dont think i would risk doing that part myself.i've seen it done years and years ago but dont want too stuff it up. i might start googling it and watching some videos and then i'll decide if im capable of doing it on my own lol i'm hoping my cousin will come down with his g/f who's an apprentice mechanic. they're both into the nissans but not sure on their skill level. cant be worse then me though lol i'll get onto him though.looking for a head gasket now. any recommendations ?
  19. somewhat freaking out lol. not giving up yet. worth getting a new head gasket? should i try the oil in the spark plug hole first or not bother and get a head gasket
  20. yeah i noticed it was the ones next to each other. would that mean head gasket was stuffed before i got it ? or just from sitting ? i;ll be pissed if thats how the guy sold it me
  21. hrrm im hoping nothing to major. im just reading a few things on google. someone said to put a tea spoon of oil into the spark plug hole of the cylinder with low compression and redo the compression test and if its higher it means the rings are worn out and if it doesnt go higher then its the valves. least thats what im getting from what im reading. i'll redo the cylinders that had low compression tomorrow in the morning.first normal then with a bit of oil in it
  22. so i just did a compression test..not looking so good. i dont know exactly what this means but i cant imagine it being good that a few of the cylinders have low compression.im hoping i just didnt put the gauge in properly but im fairly sure it was in properly each time but not 100% positive.didnt have time to retest them all since it was getting too dark. but i put the new spark plugs in. didnt get a chance to test the fuel side yet..of theirs any point now should mention that i haven't changed oil or the oil filter yet. could this cause lower compression ? im guessing it wouldnt make a difference. google time !!
  23. Awesome. I was going to change fuel filter anyways. But you recon take fuel line off from front of the fuel rail? How much petrol should I put in to flush it out?
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