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About Godzilla32

  • Birthday 20/05/1981

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    Japanese sports cars of course!

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    R32 GTR
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  1. Workshop is now located in Virginia. 2/17 Robinson Rd East, Virginia 4014. Opposite McDonalds next to shell. Behind 'Attic' access via driveway on right side. Dyno tuning in house.
  2. Hey guys, just to let you know I tune Nistune ecu's. I'm currently talking to Matt at Nistune about becoming the brisbane dealer.
  3. Had a great day guys! Thank you so much for all the support. I couldn't have done it without you all Anyone chasing any work or tuning I'll be doing a limited time discounted labour rate. Will announce it in the next few days. Also as a sau qld member you will receive a 15% discount in my shop. Cheers again guys and girls
  4. Lots of good events. Well everything is ready to roll tomorrow
  5. Sausage sizzle and drinks nzkiwi
  6. We will be running cars as they line up. No particular order. Turn up and let us know you want to run your car.
  7. My workshop Tuned Performance is located at 2/17 Robinson Rd East, Virginia. The car will be under going a second stage of the build in the next few months. I'll be hosting a dyno day/opening day on the 22nd of March next weekend if any of you would like to come down. Its an SAU QLD event, info can be found in the event section under Queensland. Look forward to seeing you all there.
  8. I've put hundreds of cars on dynos I'm sure we can come up with something to give it grip.
  9. Too easy mate be great to see you there!
  10. I haven't got bookings as such but I've had quite a lot of interest so I'm thinking there will be a fair few ppl/cars. I will be displaying some cars inside and outside also. If anyone is interested in displaying their car they will get a free power run on the day. First in best dressed and I'm asking for them to turn up around 8.30am
  11. That's a shame. I'll be doing a dyno day pretty regularly though
  12. See the post in events section.
  13. Need to talk to the t5iv as sau QLD is administrating the event. Send him a pm
  14. Cost is for dyno lol
  15. 22nd March. I can arrange ultrasonic cleaning and flow testing of injectors.
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