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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. insurance renewal! i was having a sad coz i couldnt find any other insurance companys 2 insure me but its all good now coz famous has made mine cheaper
  2. hooray my insurance is down $500
  3. that sux, really sorry 2 hear yeh the exact same thing happened 2 me a few months ago only i woke up while they were still in the house! luckily the keys they grabbed were for the wrong car (mine are always by my side) so they ended up with the keys for my parents camry which wasnt there at the time and thought they got the keys for my skyline! anyway i really hope you find who did it as we never found out who broke into our house and it was really frustrating knowing that sum1 can do this stuff and get away with it
  4. yeh i researched this a while back by ringing a few companies and found that prices ranged from $200-$1000 more most places being around $500 more for a turbo car which really isnt that much id get the turbo!
  5. yeh id say around $22k would b reasonable some modified series2's sell for around the late 20's but this one isnt that modified and has fairly high k's and DONT forget that skylines may seem cheap but trust me, when you add up all the other costs such as insurance and running costs they can become expensive! a friend of mine thought the same thing but when all the final costs were added up he changed his mind and bought a new commodore instead (yeah poor choice )
  6. Technik car audio in Willetton are hard 2 go past 4 good custom installs they hav won a stack of awards for them www.technikcaraudio.com.au good luck with the car and maybe ill b seeing it in autosalon one day:)
  7. oh crap no offence 2 whoeva is selling that car but that is a major rip off! you can buy a modified turbo skyline for the same price id sell mine for $18000 and its got all the same things plus its a series 2 with almost half the k's
  8. mmm yeh i have an n/a and was paying 2.5k for my first years insurance i doesnt really make much difference turbo or not, as soon as insurance companies hear the word imported they add another grand 2 your insurance it woulda cost me around another grand if i got a turbo and yer as Pva said being under 25 is seen as a major risk
  9. mine is always for sale for the rite price
  10. saw one or 2 180's that was bout it and a civic drag car but that was in a shopping center display
  11. mmmmmm britney wat a wack job:p
  12. mmmmmmm sounds like this has happened 2 you b4 paul?
  13. oh kewl thanx sub ill b there in August yeh i was asleep wen my friend saw the only skyline wen we were there and i was pissed off i missed it! apart from that all i saw was thousands of protons hahah
  14. oh thats ok then
  15. i neva got 2 see any skylines wen i was in KL
  16. where do u park wen u work paul? i wouldnt want 2 leave my car in dodgy freo 4 too long
  17. i hope she doesnt 4 your sake hahahaha and if you do meet her again watch out coz she sleazes on 2 anything that moves hahahahaha:p
  18. friend hahaha not really went 2 school wit her and all my friends hate her
  19. where r u aidwin?
  20. one of my rear lights isnt working
  21. tell her she is a phuktard with small teeth she also got a nose job which looks rooted:p
  22. ummmmm i cant remember???? yay im coming 2 visit!!!!!!! just kidding, i cant afford 2 go there haha do you work with ebony?
  23. aidwin!!!!!! besides why would i want 2 be seen talking 2 you:p kidding:p
  24. i promise i wont! dont u work at Sails or sumthin?
  25. paulie wen u gonna tell me where u work!?
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