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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. act not ask ooooops yeah niv Vs paul fightin over the same man!
  2. springer hhahahaha i can just ask it out 4 you the next day *uh uh you is a skanky whore stop tryin 2 steal my man biatch*
  3. keep goin niz! hrrmmmmm must remember neva 2 fall asleep in front of you guys 4 more than one reason!
  4. i hav tafe off 2mora hooray! a day on the couch in front of foxtel 4 me!
  5. cute is not the right word more butt ugly niz!
  6. i think you should make that pic your desktop background!
  7. hahaha im on that same level dont worry niz!
  8. hahaha im noticing conversations start out as cars but end up being about sex everytime! i hav nothing 2 do wit it!
  9. not afta you the shite you said bout me n macka!
  10. its ok im sure one day he will b able 2 find a guy that wants him!
  11. dont say that he might actually think someone likes him! more hoping he didnt come:shake:
  12. nothin wrong wit whorin! we need a cruise where we all car whore so we can all drink and get pissed!
  13. oh no speak of the devil!
  14. i must say wit religeous girls its much more fun makes u feel naughty!
  15. hmmmmm whoresville is packed paul is missin out!
  16. hahaha jus like my family niz! my grandparent start askin me why i dont go 2 church!
  17. trust me not even religeous girls r innocent! they naghtyer than most hahaha
  18. Hi Macka yer now im not gonna think u innocent gonna think leather and a whip!
  19. so i take it u gonna go bak and read it now!
  20. its all been sex micko!
  21. yeah mags pretty crap! and that chick WTF! yukky and she has sum wierd thing stuck on her face!
  22. hahaha if i eva thought u was innocent its all out the window now!
  23. hahaha that other thread is really funny!
  24. Kens arrived at the perfect time!
  25. man i hav 2 get out and try more things! must find an adventurous girl!
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