does anyone know if cars r still being imported coz im not gettin anymore sent 2 me from prestige? maybe i jus need 2 sign up again!
try james!
old? hahaha u must b only wat 25 -30? losing it already!
yeah that was only a coupla days ago! im gonna ask u 2mora how old i am and we will c if u remember!
we worked 2gether at a pub now we usually hang out on weekends sometimes also know hi g/f and her brother and sister
yeah its ok paul i wont hold it against you!
no grey colour think he came wit someone else
joe got stacks of picks some of me arrrrrrggggghhh no! i got like 5 and thats bout it coz not many pic oppotunites as group was neva all 2gether every1 lost only time all cars were 2getha was hillarys
nope he not there was getting windows tinted so couldnt go! Niz ken joe macka micko neo guy wit fast n furious car umm ryan (not sure his nick is) sneeza bully works auto dont know rest