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Everything posted by 33Spec2

  1. pre menstrual stress? nah Prestige motorsport i think he means
  2. isnt it sails???? cya then paul:p
  3. tell me which bar u work at so i can complain about the poor service:p
  4. besides everything there is made fresh so you hav 2 wait a bit longer not like macca's or hungry jacks where stuff sits there and then you get sum crusty old thing
  5. hahaha mmm well i hav no excuses then:p
  6. cya Rev
  7. you are obviously going 2 the wrong KFC hahah go 2 the one in Riverton i make them go fast haha come on you can tell me which bar! i had 2 work at shitty market city tav!
  8. hahhaha yeh hopefully i can quit there very soon and get my holiday payout
  9. wat bar? im coming in for drinks!
  10. SST must b like your second home:p
  11. Supercheap auto hahah and Shell and Staff trainer for KFC
  12. yeh so am i but i deal with it hahaha i hav a few days off this week 2 do nothing
  13. hahaha yeh slightly
  14. mmmmmm nice R34 :drool:
  15. haha i spent money on a new car stereo and speakers 2 which will hav 2 wait a few months b4 i can afford 2 install them you'd think havin three jobs id b able 2 afford everything:p
  16. oh shit really mmm hope they dont ive had 2 fines while with famous and i dont think they hav increased my insurance unless they did it without telling me?
  17. but if i get insurance b4 i pay the fine then it wont matter will it?
  18. guy at silvalake insurance brokers was really nice so hopefully he will b able 2 find me insurance that isnt a rip off
  19. oh how depressing liscence renewal registration insurance speeding fine loan repayment phone bill all due at the same time
  20. oh thanx thats great coz i hav 2 get a new insurance policy:( so now i can tell them ive only had 2 speeding fines instead of 3 *** i hate dealing with insurance
  21. heya ppl i havent officially lost a demerit point till ive paid the fine - is this true?
  22. maybe you could buy em from overseas or from a wrecker in japan? dont know how much it would cost? i think it would look pretty kewl hav u seen any1 thats done it?
  23. k i betta go 2 bed aswell got work 2mora morn and a big nite 2mora gnite lauren and hav a good new year:)
  24. mmmm yeh will hav a read did they shut down the internet shop 2?
  25. yeh im waaaaaaaay behind im so busy these days im hardly eva on SAU! 3 jobs is 2 much haha so why they shut down?????
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